To the editor:
As a student athlete, I support a turf field at BMS and urge the voters of Barrington to vote yes on Ballot Questions 9 & 10.
Our fields are in deplorable condition due …
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To the editor:
As a student athlete, I support a turf field at BMS and urge the voters of Barrington to vote yes on Ballot Questions 9 & 10.
Our fields are in deplorable condition due to overuse. These horrendous conditions pose danger to and inflict harm upon us student-athletes as well as younger athletes, danger that would not even exist if we had a few turf fields. Often, major injuries are sustained from divots in the grass. Practices and games are constantly canceled due to preservation issues. It is a running joke within the Rhode Island athletic community that all Barrington fields are no better than mud pits. This is unacceptable and embarrassing, and the only realistic solution for the future is to install at least a few turf fields.
If we had the open space and ability to maintain pristine, or even just halfway-decent, grass fields, everyone in this town would be in full support of keeping all of our fields grass. Parks and Recreation puts thousands of dollars into the fields, but it is impossible to maintain them when they are overused and unable to get any rest. Thus, a turf field is necessary to protect the well-being of our athletes.
There are concerns about the potential detrimental effect a turf field would have on our environment. New environmentally friendly turf fields that are PFAS-free, contain only organic infill, and are fully recyclable will eliminate the need for excessive chemical fertilizers placed on our grass fields, which is actually beneficial to our environment. While some of these concerns are valid, we are at the point where the safety of our athletes is in question, and I believe that should take priority.
Others have claimed that turf causes cancer and skin abrasions, making it more dangerous than grass. This is egregiously untrue.
Only crumb rubber infill has been linked with cancer, and even then, studies from the EPA have shown that the exposure to humans of these chemicals is low for athletes, especially those not competing at the professional level. I can personally attest to the issue of "skin abrasions". If you are an athlete, you know what you're getting into because you signed up to play a sport. Moreover, the worst skin abrasions l've received are ones from the rock and debris on Victory Field, Bicknell, and Chianese, not from turf.
I am happy the School Committee voted to renovate the high school’s field and track by installing turf at Victory Field, which is a huge step towards solving the long standing problem of unsafe playing surfaces and inadequate space to play. But I also believe the student-athletes at BMS and younger athletes in our town also deserve safe and reliable fields. According to a survey conducted last January, 74 percent of respondents agree.
Turf is something the people of this town want and need. Vote yes on questions 9 and 10. Vote to support our high schoolers, our middle schoolers, and our children. Make a difference.
Ellie Donato, 2025, 7 Colonial Avenue, Soccer, Basketball, and Spring Track & Field
Ava Caldarone, 2025, 59 Lamson Rd, soccer
Makenzie Lema, 2027, 25 Charles St, Soccer
Lyla Jones, 2026, 68 Boyce Ave, Soccer
Maddie kiely, 2027, 114 Rumstick Rd, Soccer
Bailey Duncan, 2025, 18 Lantern Ln, Soccer and Lacrosse
Estela Uddin-Alves, 2025, 2 Wright Pl, Soccer and Spring Track & Field
Addy Jay, 2026, 9 Harbour RD, Soccer and Lacrosse
Julia Edgar-Smith, 2026, 14 South Meadow Lane, Soccer
Katherine Yang, 2026, 178 Princes Hill Ave, Soccer
Ella Reagan, 2026, 1 Collins court Soccer, Indoor/Outdoor track
Molly Reagan 2029 1 Collins Court Soccer, Indoor track, lacrosse
Gwyn Fullaway, 2025, 11 Echo Dr, Soccer, spring Track and Field
Reagan Pires 2027, 24 Bullock Ave, Soccer and Basketball
Sage Pires 2028, 24 Bullock Ave, Gymnastics and Lacrosse
Mckenna Pires 2028, 24 Bullock Ave, Soccer and Basketball
Lena Pilipski, 2025, 3 Preston Dr, Soccer, and Spring Track & Field
Layla Kupperman, 2029, 5 Oak Manor Dr, Soccer and Spring Track and Field
Tessa Rigamonti, 2028, 1 Carver Rd, Soccer
Ryan Owens 2025, 16 Chachapacassett Rd, Football and Lacrosse
Jocelyn Owens 2025, 16 Chachapacassett Rd, Cross Country, Indoor Track, Outdoor Track
Bennett Owens 2028, 16 Chachapacassett Rd, Soccer, Track and Lacrosse
John Reynolds, 2026, 10 Pine Top Rd, Football and Lacrosse
Blake Dolan 2025, 102 Walnut Rd Football, Baseball
Miles Dolan 2027, 102 Walnut Rd Football, Baseball
Kate Pearse, 2027, 47 Chapel Rd Soccer, Indoor/Outdoor Track
Emma Pearse, 2028, 47 Chapel Rd Soccer, Indoor/Outdoor Track
Arturo Caldarella, 2026, 16 Melrose ave, football, lacrosse
Ethan Couturier, 2025, 18 Crown Ave, Football, Indoor/Outdoor Track
Luca Rigamonti, 2027, 1 carver rd, hockey, lacrosse
Lorenzo Cicione 2027, 87 Ferry Ln, Lacrosse
Riley Graveline 2025, 7 Court Ave, Basketball
Reese Graveline 2025, 7 Court Ave, Swim
Conor Ferguson 2027, 201 Washington rd. Ice Hockey, Lacrosse
Abby Griffin, 2028, 5 Elton Road, Field Hockey
Jordan Burns, 2027, 198 Promenade St, Football, Baseball
Shelby Gasbarro, 2027, 4 Collins ct, Field Hockey, indoor/Outdoor Track
Peyton Hillier, 2027, 130 Alfred Drown Road, lacrosse
Clare Capozza, 2028, 3 Atlantic crossing, Field Hockey, Lacrosse
Zoe Dyer, 2027, 25 Half Mile Road, Soccer
Maggie Ornstedt, 2027, 21 Lee Road, soccer/basketball
Sophia Scandura, 2027, 20 Knapton st, feild hockey, lacrosse
Haley Plourde 2025, 5 Briarwood Dr. Volleyball
Mackenzie Plourde 2027, 5 Briarwood Dr., Field Hockey & Spring Track
Sydney Plourde 2029, 5 Briarwood Dr., Field Hockey
Molly Thurston, 2027, 18 Fireside dr, Soccer, Basketball
Faith Van Ness, 2026, 30 Lillis Ave, Soccer, Basketball, Track
Mary Tapinos 2026, 34 Boyce Avenue, Lacrosse
Olivia Pereira, 2027, 17 Old River Rd, Field Hockey, Indoor Track, Lacrosse
Evelyn Kenny, 2028, 17 terrace drive, Soccer, Indoor track, outdoor track
Tessa Sprunger, 2027, 139 Alfred Drown Rd, Indoor Track, Lacrosse
Emma Lucas, 2027, 5 Sakonnet Drive
Siena Leland, 2026, 50 ferry lane, soccer and track
Norah Cohea, 2028, 10 Albert ave, soccer
Lauren Kilpatrick, 2026, 15 Virginia Rd, Soccer, Basketball, Track
Kate McAdams, 2026, 5 Prospect St, Field Hockey, Swim, Lacrosse
Sadie Stern, 2026, 10 Wright Pl, Field Hockey, Gymnastics, Lacrosse
Alexandra Ford, 2026, 1 North Lake Dr, Cross Country, Indoor/Outdoor Track
Charlotte Ford, 2029, 1 North Lake Dr, Indoor/Outdoor Track
Cole Noyes, 2028, 4 Lincoln Ave, Soccer and Lacrosse
Madeline Spear, 2027, 9 Northwest Passage, Soccer and Lacrosse
Brady Andrew, 2026, 17 Stanhope Drive, Soccer, Indoor/Outdoor Track
Liam Helfrich, 2026, 48 Richmond Ave, Boys Soccer
Cal Naperotic, 2028, 65 governer Bradford drive, boys soccer
Evan Memoli, 2026, 10 Plymouth Drive, Soccer
Daniel Raessi, 2028, 12 High St, Boys soccer. Jake Tomlinson, 2026, 5 Rustwood Dr, Boys soccer and indoor/outdoor track and field
Sean Mohlman, 2027, 19 Sherwood Ln, Boys soccer.
Brooks Mello, 2027, 11 Ridgewood Road, soccer and track and field
Santiago Mendoza 2028, 8 Coldspring road, boys jv soccer.
Beckett Capizzo, 2026, 1735 Wampanoag Trail, Soccer and Spring Track
Kelly Hill, 2027, 298 Rumstick Road, Soccer and spring track and field
Zander Campo, 2028, 4 Rustwood Dr, Boys Soccer
Graham Franke, 2027, 100 Nayatt Road, Baseball
Jack Luttrell, 2027, 53 Fountain Avenue, Soccer and Indoor and Outdoor Track
Hannah Carlotto, 2025, 44 Townsend st, soccer