196 results total, viewing 151 - 175
A generation ago, many would finish that sentence by saying Bristol is a great place to raise a family. Would they still today? We ask because of what we discovered while researching population … more
Now that the Town of Barrington has made public symbolism one of its core principles, residents can expect a fair amount of their government’s time to be devoted to the cause — causes, … more
Bristol residents are in good hands these days — which is noteworthy, since “these days” are some of the worst days in anyone’s lifetime. The pandemic is approaching its … more
Covid has interrupted so many of life’s normal routines, but most jarring are those once-in-a-lifetime experiences that can never be recovered. Weddings can be postponed until better days. … more
‘Operation Warp Speed’ has become a bad joke and nowhere is it less amusing than in Rhode Island. Last week, the Harvard Kennedy School’s Belfer Center released a vaccination … more
The Rhode Island Turnpike and Bridge Authority’s move to fully automated toll collection this week is welcome and long overdue. Starting Feb. 14, the bridge authority will launch a … more
Seasonal residents of Westport’s East Beach Road get to park their trailers on a place that common sense, Mother Nature, and rising sea levels suggest is badly suited for structures of any … more
As municipal design projects go, the effort to design a new bike route through Bristol is about as good as it gets. Paid for by state government, the process has been thorough and deliberate, with … more
It’s been quite a week for the Town of Barrington, beginning with the stumbling missteps of the Covid-19 vaccination rollout and ending with a six-hour-plus Town Council meeting so unwieldy it … more
Choosing who gets the COVID-19 vaccine, and when, is one of the greatest challenges a public servant has ever faced. That’s saying a lot for a group of both elected and appointed leaders who … more
If written a week ago, this editorial would describe the shame and embarrassment of watching one of the sad days in American history unfold on live television. It would excoriate all those … more
Cursed 2020 has taken so much already (freedoms, joy, travel, livelihoods, not to mention precious lives) … did it need to take away the beloved snow day, too? When Rhode Island acted … more
A generation ago, maybe two, the leaders of local government agencies were typically well-known residents from entrenched families who ascended to the top positions through patronage, political party … more
It’s always a good idea to shop locally, and it might mean more this year than ever before. The pandemic has disrupted everything — every person, every organization, every business. … more
Most folks in town know South Lake Drive, and many will remember the first time they discovered it. Lightly marked and somewhat hidden, it feels almost mysterious, and a new driver might wonder if … more
Several years ago the clinical and medical worlds stopped labeling people ‘autistic’ and began labeling them with ‘autism spectrum disorder.’ The change signified a deeper … more
The election is over, and a new era begins. It’s time to forget the past and hope a new administration can change the culture of government. We’re talking about the Barrington Town … more
Toward the end of the Barrington Town Council meeting on Monday night, councilors approved a $25,000 annual contract with NDM Consulting to serve as the town’s emergency management coordinator. … more
Bristol does not need a mayor and is best served by electing a town administrator to lead its government. A familiar question for Bristol voters, who have soundly rejected it numerous times … more
 Many people, including both presidential candidates, have described the coming election as historic. President Trump and former Vice President Biden have reached this conclusion for different … more
The Bristol Warren chapter of the National Education Association has made quite a mess of what was already a messy return to school for thousands of public school students in this district. They have … more
The Providence Water Supply Board wants to raise water rates 20 percent. The Bristol County Water Authority wants to end a century-old contract for water. Are they related? Yes. Does anyone care? Not … more
We have been quick to criticize National Grid's response to power outages during prior storms. So it is only fair that we praise the company's effort last week. The tropical storm — it had … more
The one constant throughout this pandemic is that no one agrees on anything. Scientists, governors and private citizens have demonstrated every reaction and position possible, and it’s … more
The murder of George Floyd lit a match to a nation loaded with combustible material. Quarantined and isolated for months, with tens of millions jobless, with economic stability shattered, with half … more
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Jim McGaw

A lifelong Portsmouth resident, Jim graduated from Portsmouth High School in 1982 and earned a journalism degree from the University of Rhode Island in 1986. He's worked two different stints at East Bay Newspapers, for a total of 18 years with the company so far. When not running all over town bringing you the news from Portsmouth, Jim listens to lots and lots and lots of music, watches obscure silent films from the '20s and usually has three books going at once. He also loves to cook crazy New Orleans dishes for his wife of 25 years, Michelle, and their two sons, Jake and Max.