The clock in front of the Warren Town Hall is broken, again. It also could use a paint job. I am sure most people riding or walking down Main Street barely notice whether the time is right or not. …
We want to express our heartfelt gratitude for the incredible support that the Bristol and Warren communities have shown the Brian Latessa family during this difficult time. A special thank you to …
To the editor: I believe I am not alone in noting that there are no currently registered Republicans running in Barrington for School Committee or Town Council. But interestingly, there are a …
To the editor: Every candidate, whether endorsed or not, whether party affiliated or not, is an independent person. This holds particularly true in local elections for which the money needed to …
To the editor: I want to thank all the volunteers who joined us at St. John’s on Saturday, Sept. 28 as we went about unloading all the pumpkins. There were all levels of Boy …