2384 results total, viewing 151 - 175
I am writing in response to the recent article, “ A home like no other ” (Bristol Phoenix, Oct. 10). Readers may have been confused, and a little clarification might be useful. The … more
To the editor: Charles Levesque’s letter to the editor in the Oct. 17 edition of the Portsmouth Times regarding Mr. Gleason and Mr. Fitzmorris reminds me of the expression, “Let … more
Editor’s note: Pamela Huzienga, the incoming owner of the Barn and owner since last year of Simmons Cafe and Market in Adamsville, shared this update with the community Tuesday morning: … more
We are deeply saddened by the recent letter to the editor in last week’s Sakonnet Times that was loaded with hateful, misleading and inaccurate information.   Since hosting Little … more
Beginning in May of this year, this newspaper has refused to publish letters to the editor about national politics, stating that such letters must focus on local issues and news only.  Citizen … more
Last week’s Phoenix contained both an article and editorial regarding the issue of spectators at Mt. Hope High School sporting events parking their vehicles in St. Mary’s Cemetery , … more
It has come to our attention that constituents with concerns may not realize that state representatives and senators are available through a phone call or email to answer questions about issues that … more
To the editor: To the person who came on our lawn sometime around Halloween day/night and stole our presidential election sign: What you did is a crime. I have completed a police report and … more
On behalf of the Tiverton Democratic Town Committee it gives me great pleasure to announce our support and endorsement of the following candidates: For state and congressional office we support … more
On Monday, an announcement was sent describing a brief power outage , which was corrected by generators at the Westport High School during school hours. The message  did not begin to … more
Rhode Island’s Question 1, which proposes holding a constitutional convention, would risk undermining our fundamental rights. more
Voting yes on Question 1 is the only way to bring power back to you, the voter and taxpayer, and not the gatekeepers like politicians and lobby groups. more
Do insurance companies have your back, or are they really existing to protect the stockholders? more
To the editor: Collectively, as a town, I hope we will unequivocally vote NO on local ballot questions #9 and #10. Covering our open spaces with carpets of plastic turf contradicts what … more
To the editor: In last week’s Barrington Times, one of the leading Independent candidates for Town Council was quoted saying that he and the other Independents on the ballot are running … more
To the editor: I like my local government served like a classic New England dish—cold, boring, and sensible. Give me a heaping plate of transparency, a side of cost-effectiveness, and a … more
I feel Wilbur McMahon School is on the wrong track with certain policies supported by Superintendent Laurie Dias-Michell and the Democrats on the Little Compton School Committee. The superintendent … more
The concept of discounting unoccupied seats to fill capacity is a familiar one, particularly in the travel industry. Airlines and railways often offer discounted fares to fill unsold seats, … more
I appreciate the publication of the Westport Shorelines. I read with interest the Westport Shorelines October 24 Westport Farming Profile of the Noquochoke Orchards by Deanna Levanti.   Like all … more
To the editor:   I am writing this letter in response to recent articles highlighting people’s personal opinions regarding unaffiliated candidates for local office.   … more
To the editor: I respectfully disagree with townspeople who have been advocating for the installation of artificial turf fields in Barrington, both at the schools and at the municipal fields. … more
To the editor: Ballot questions numbers 9 and 10 speak to Barrington's commitment to upgrading our ailing athletic fields. At the same time, we care deeply for our beautiful coastline, abundant … more
To the editor: Please reject #8 and #9 on the ballot.   Let’s put the health of our children and our environment first. Why? The research has demonstrated: Turf results in … more
To the editor: This year’s ballot gives Barrington residents the opportunity to weigh in on artificial turf, also known as plastic paving. Field usage, maintenance and space has been … more
To the editor: The referendum on the ballot this election for the prospect of an artificial turf field is concerning for many reasons, but the issue I want to highlight is recycling. These … more
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Mike Rego has worked at East Bay Newspapers since 2001, helping the company launch The Westport Shorelines. He soon after became a Sports Editor, spending the next 10-plus years in that role before taking over as editor of The East Providence Post in February of 2012. To contact Mike about The Post or to submit information, suggest story ideas or photo opportunities, etc. in East Providence, email mrego@eastbaymediagroup.com.