2391 results total, viewing 251 - 275
After my last swim of the Summer I ran into one of the first friends I made when I moved into town in the late ‘80s. Besides being veterans we have little else in common; yet, we enjoy shooting … more
STORY OF THE WEEK: Although getting an appointment with a doctor is a fundamental need, doing that has become increasingly difficult due to the shortage of primary care physicians in Rhode Island. … more
During this extremely trying period in all Americans’ lives, it was a welcome and pleasurable diversion to spend several hours at the Westport Harvest Fair last Saturday. Not having to … more
The gravitational pull towards East Providence is one that, upon some reflection, I realize has been happening for a long time now. more
I am writing to share effective Monday, Sept. 23, I have resigned as a member of the Little Compton School Committee, a role that has been both an honor and a responsibility.  Sadly, as … more
A couple of days ago I was feeling rotten, and so I opted to stay home, and I am glad. Not about feeling rotten, but about staying home. I took some time to catch up on most recent Phoenixes. I … more
Several months ago I went to a town meeting about the tax proposals the town wants to implement. We have all seen tax increases, and it will only get worse. Seniors on a fixed income can’t … more
Last week’s Phoenix featured a front-page article highlighting concerns raised by the Bristol Planning Board regarding the chronic flooding in neighborhoods surrounding Mt. Hope High School and … more
On Saturday, Sept. 21, 2024, more than 700 people explored 11 of Bristol’s most beautiful homes on Hope, High, Walley, State, Franklin, and Thames streets. Visitors to the Bristol Historical … more
To the editor: This is in response to Hans Scholl’s letter from earlier this month.   As a majority of you know I am for youth sports and pro turf. I would not have buyer’s … more
To the editor: Have you ever wanted something so badly that you threw all caution to the wind? Because you wanted it so much, you stopped listening to any advice that this might be a bad idea? … more
The election season is now upon us, and in Tiverton we now know who the actual candidates are. I sincerely hope they have all given a lot of thought to the commitment they are making, particularly … more
Nine months ago, I wrote a commentary for the Sakonnet Times titled “ Little Compton at the tipping point: Loving it to death? ” (Dec. 28, 2023). On January 10, 2024, a group of … more
To the editor: It’s Monday morning, Aug. 12, 7:30 a.m. Our family had spent considerable time putting together items we wanted to donate to the Vietnam veterans. Our husband and father had … more
To the editor: Two years ago this November, the voters of Barrington did something extraordinary. Even though the majority voted Democrat across the entire ticket, there was one exception. Our … more
To the editor: If you’ve driven by the old Anne Hutchinson school on Bristol Ferry Road recently, you may have noticed all the construction activity. It’s been several years in the … more
To the editor: Middle Highway between Nayatt Road and Maple Avenue has been closed for a month. Thanks to the Barrington Times for finally covering the story. But it's worth pointing out that … more
To the editor: Councilor Annelise Conway certainly laid it out clearly when she said that the town council was “looking for a solution to a problem that did not need to exist.” … more
To the editor:   In 2023 residents voted for a $250 million school bond to upgrade and enhance our students' learning environment. The tax effects of this bond will not be seen in your tax … more
STORY OF THE WEEK: Rhode Island officials plan to assemble a proposal in the weeks ahead meant to keep Hasbro in the state. Details remain unclear for now, but Gov. Dan McKee and House Speaker Joe … more
Last week I read in the Sakonnet Times about Little Compton’s legal fight against the disturbing new guidelines the federal government is attempting to force down your throats while … more
Voters in Little Compton have a choice to make this November: Continue with a school system that values the best interests of all our children, or cede control of our school board to a national group … more
Roger Williams University (RWU) has brought many positive benefits to the East Bay region since expanding its Providence institution of higher learning to Bristol in 1969. However, the university … more
An article in this week’s edition of the Sakonnet Times contained a misquote of Little Compton school superintendent Dr. Laurie Dias-Mitchell. Asked about the district’s policy that … more
Your article on the closure of the Hix Bridge exit reports “uncertainty over the land’s ownership.” Uncertainty? There is no indication of any extant ownership documents or riders … more
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Jim McGaw

A lifelong Portsmouth resident, Jim graduated from Portsmouth High School in 1982 and earned a journalism degree from the University of Rhode Island in 1986. He's worked two different stints at East Bay Newspapers, for a total of 18 years with the company so far. When not running all over town bringing you the news from Portsmouth, Jim listens to lots and lots and lots of music, watches obscure silent films from the '20s and usually has three books going at once. He also loves to cook crazy New Orleans dishes for his wife of 25 years, Michelle, and their two sons, Jake and Max.