2363 results total, viewing 2276 - 2300
To the editor: No, really. It’s for the birds. Many who read this are aware of the recent Cornell Lab of Ornithology report indicating that since the 1970’s songbird population in … more
Councilor Jacob Brier's letter "Why I support annual revaluation" only succeeds in sidestepping the real problem: an ongoing lack of proper oversight of the assessor's office by the … more
We at the Bristol Historical & Preservation Society believe that history can help advance our town’s economic development and provide solutions to current problems. To that end, last … more
To the editor: I have been a professional driver for over 40 years, operating in 45 states. Only one thing gets drivers to slow down, strict consistent enforcement. Unless it costs them … more
Recently there has been discussion about commercial rents in Bristol , and as one who has been on both sides of the structure as landlord and tenant, I feel both qualified and compelled to add to the … more
The Bristol County Water Authority’s decision to raise rates 10 percent and abandon the current reservoir system makes little sense to me. The plan to dismantle the dams at Schoolhouse Road and … more
To the editor:  Transparency (behavior) means operating in such a way that it is easy for others to see what actions are performed. Transparency implies openness, communication, and … more
Mr. Leon Urban's letter in the Warren Times last week rang so true in its discussion of the "Real Kiki" and not the one we've grown accustomed to seeing for the past few decades … more
Few weapons will prove as potent in our defense against this latest virus as information — places to avoid, health precautions to take, anything to help weather the storm until it … more
To the editor: Kudos to Councilmen Brier and Boyajian for breaking the silence. At its last meeting, the council finally allowed an open discussion of the gross inequities in our tax assessments. … more
To the editor: To me, if the items reported in the Feb. 19 article in the Times regarding the town council pushing for annual assessments are true, we have the perfect outline for a Monty Python … more
After reading a recent article, “Bank’s ATM lights up historic district opposition,” it appears to me and other concerned business owners in the downtown “historic … more
To the editor: Over the past eight months, our town has sought to resolve an assessment policy change that was implemented for properties purchased during 2018. The specific concerns around the … more
A few days ago I landed at the Fort Lauderdale airport after being out of this country. I try to view my return with the fresh eyes of a newly arrived person in order to access what image the United … more
To the editor: My name is John A. Bagley, age 22, and I am a resident of Portsmouth, Rhode Island, and a student senator at the University of Rhode Island. As the new year started rolling along, I … more
To the editor: Two armed men wearing hoodies and masks broke into a Florida home and began viciously beating a man in front of his wife and 11-year-old daughter. His wife, eight months pregnant, … more
Rhode Island is one of very few states where a teacher can legally have sex with their students. I was hopeful that 2019 was going to be the year that our legislature would do the easy and obviously … more
The closure of one lane over the Silver Creek Bridge will impact everyone in Bristol . Trips north will be more frustrating than ever. A quick run to the grocery store will take longer than ever. And … more
While the decision for General Rick Baccus to retire from the Rhode Island Veterans Home  may have been his choice, it is clearly our loss, and we can be silent no more. It is always easy to … more
Last week I was notified by Spa Yadira and Sole Sanctuary that the spa was being forced to relocate due to the relatively new property owners raising Yadira’s rent approximately 60 percent, an … more
Quarantined in a highly censored and monitored country while the spread of a possibly deadly virus is on the loose. Well, that’s where I am now.  My name is Kevin, age 26, and I am an … more
To the editor: The Transportation and Climate Initiative (TCI) is another “wonderful” idea promoted by our governor and the East Side (Providence) think tank in an attempt to extract … more
Paris is endeavoring to repair and restore Notre Dame Cathedral. We here in Providence have neglected our only Skyscraper, the most poetic and "philosophical" structure in our downtown. It saddens me … more
The Barrington School Committee deserves credit for stepping in and ending the school district’s nearly two-year legal battle with one of its own students.By dropping its Superior Court suit … more
One could not watch the scene outside the Bristol Town Common last week and come away with any conclusion other than this — what an extraordinary waste of time, resources and energy. This … more
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Jim McGaw

A lifelong Portsmouth resident, Jim graduated from Portsmouth High School in 1982 and earned a journalism degree from the University of Rhode Island in 1986. He's worked two different stints at East Bay Newspapers, for a total of 18 years with the company so far. When not running all over town bringing you the news from Portsmouth, Jim listens to lots and lots and lots of music, watches obscure silent films from the '20s and usually has three books going at once. He also loves to cook crazy New Orleans dishes for his wife of 25 years, Michelle, and their two sons, Jake and Max.