11435 results total, viewing 10876 - 10900
I’ve been wondering lately about the true meanings of two works in our English language. The first word is “freedom,” and the second is “discipline.” The present … more
We have been quick to criticize National Grid's response to power outages during prior storms. So it is only fair that we praise the company's effort last week. The tropical storm — it had … more
To the editor: All around Barrington there are signs expressing positive messages that many of us appreciate. Some of them say “Hate has no Home here.” Unfortunately, many recent … more
To the editor: As some might remember, Beirut, Lebanon was on the news for the war that engulfed the country in the mid-seventies. The people and the country suffered severe losses throughout … more
Barrington police received a 911 call at about 12:40 p.m. on Wednesday, Aug. 5 from a Lake Avenue resident after he spotted smoke coming from a neighbor's house. Police said the man — he … more
The Bristol Phoenix (July 30) was replete with letters from various citizens. To see so many Bristolians express their views is indeed encouraging, as it demonstrates a keen interest in local and … more
When Joan Prescott took the helm of Rogers Free Library three decades ago, she settled into a small office that was located immediately to the left of the entrance of an outdated, outgrown … more
In the current spirit of examining monuments representing the shameful aspects of American history, I think Rhode Island should widen its scope and revisit the celebration of VJ Day, which is … more
The head of Barrington schools and all five members of the school committee issued a statement this week, sharing their anger about recent events of racism and pledging to increase anti-racism … more
I’m a lifelong Democrat who voted for Gina Raimondo in the last election, and while I generally approve of her job performance and how she has handled the Coronavirus outbreak, her recent … more
For a museum whose mission has long been to preserve an authentic depiction of late 18th-century farm life, Coggeshall Farm has seen a lot of changes in the past year or so. Long before the … more
What has Barrington's government done to help local businesses during the pandemic? This question surfaced during the July 27 town council meeting, as officials discussed an initiative proposed by … more
Last week I was labeled a bully in this paper by Tom Carroll, self-proclaimed co-founder of the “Bristol County Concerned Citizens” and current chairman of the Republican Town Committee. … more
More than five months after telling everyone to stay home and finish their spring semester online, Roger Williams University kicks off a reunion of sorts this weekend. Students and faculty are … more
PROVIDENCE — At her regular weekly press conference today, Gov. Gina Raimondo confirmed what she had already hinted at during media interviews earlier this week: The opening day for Rhode … more
Dr. Richard Gordon, newly accused of a hate crime, offered a statement through his attorney on Tuesday afternoon, Aug. 11, saying he was the victim of an assault. According to the statement, Dr. … more
Mark Fisher, of Black Lives Matter Rhode Island, spoke to the media Tuesday afternoon, not far from the location of an ugly racially-infused property dispute between Rumstick Point neighbors last … more
On Tuesday morning, the Rhode Island Attorney General filed a “Notice of Sentencing Enhancement Pursuant to the Rhode Island Hate Crimes Sentencing Act” in the matter of State of Rhode … more
People gathered on the Barrington Town Hall lawn to support an end to racism and in response to an incident that occurred about a week earlier on Rumstick Point. Video taken on Monday afternoon, … more
To the editor: Every day 100 Americans are shot and killed. Read that again. Every single day we lose 100 Americans to preventable gun violence. That is 100 Americans too many. And yet … more
PORTSMOUTH — Ragged Island’s plan to get people on its new farm property as quickly as possible by way of an outdoor summer beer garden received unanimous approval by the Zoning … more
To the editor: Over the past months I have become increasingly alarmed by the hyper-partisan nature of American politics. Before the advent of COVID 19, political views felt extremist and … more
The recent call to examine the Police Bill of Rights is a good thing. Yet, in some instances specific proposals are short-sighted. Take the argument to give police chiefs more rights to suspend or … more
To the editor: I want to thank everyone for sharing their thoughts and voices about flying a rainbow flag - or any other - along with the stars and stripes on town property. I have to say I am … more
Bristol Town Councilor Mary Parella brought up an issue at the July 1 council meeting that, for some residents, remains an unresolved complication of the new automated trash collection system. … more
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Jim McGaw

A lifelong Portsmouth resident, Jim graduated from Portsmouth High School in 1982 and earned a journalism degree from the University of Rhode Island in 1986. He's worked two different stints at East Bay Newspapers, for a total of 18 years with the company so far. When not running all over town bringing you the news from Portsmouth, Jim listens to lots and lots and lots of music, watches obscure silent films from the '20s and usually has three books going at once. He also loves to cook crazy New Orleans dishes for his wife of 25 years, Michelle, and their two sons, Jake and Max.