Barrington teachers due to decide on day-off dilemma

Officials still working on 2020-21 school calendar

Posted 3/5/20

School officials are still ironing out a few wrinkles in next year's school calendar.

During a meeting on Thursday night, Feb. 27, Barrington Schools Superintendent Michael Messore said the …

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Barrington teachers due to decide on day-off dilemma

Officials still working on 2020-21 school calendar


School officials are still ironing out a few wrinkles in next year's school calendar.

During a meeting on Thursday night, Feb. 27, Barrington Schools Superintendent Michael Messore said the teachers union was undecided about whether to take off the Friday before Labor Day or the Wednesday before Thanksgiving during the upcoming school year.

In prior years, educators have included in their contract having the Friday off before Labor Day. 

But that was expected to change when teachers decided to switch that day off to the Wednesday before Thanksgiving this upcoming November.

On Thursday night, however, Mr. Messore said teachers were reconsidering that move. 

He said once the day-off debate is resolved, he will present the upcoming school year calendar to the committee.

Mr. Messore said there is also some uncertainty about whether State Primary Day will fall on Sept. 8 or 9.

Following are some of the dates highlighted on the upcoming school calendar:

• Aug. 31, 2020: First day of school

• June 6, 2021: Graduation day

• June 21, 2021: Last day of school

Also during the meeting, school officials briefly discussed the changes observed with February vacation this year. Barrington schools had traditionally observed a full week off in February, but this year officials reduced the vacation to a four-day weekend surrounding the Presidents' Day holiday.

Student attendance data showed that absenteeism on Feb. 19 — the day after the four-day weekend — was higher this year than prior Feb. 19s. The greatest increase appeared to be at Barrington High School. 

The school committee will again discuss the upcoming school calendar during its March business meeting. 

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Mike Rego has worked at East Bay Newspapers since 2001, helping the company launch The Westport Shorelines. He soon after became a Sports Editor, spending the next 10-plus years in that role before taking over as editor of The East Providence Post in February of 2012. To contact Mike about The Post or to submit information, suggest story ideas or photo opportunities, etc. in East Providence, email