Workers with The Recycling Partnership, a Virginia-based vendor which is supplying thousands of bins and logistical assistance for Bristol’s new trash pickup program, have staged a sea of dark green and blue bins at the Bristol Town Beach as they prepare to distribute them to residents and businesses over the next couple of weeks. The 65-gallon bins are designed to work with lifting mechanisms on Bristol’s new garbage trucks, and the entire system is expected to save the town hundred of thousands of dollars in staffing efficiencies and compensation claims.
Public works chief Kevin McBride reminds residents that it will take a couple of weeks to distribute the new carts, so do not use them until the week of March 30.
Mr. McBride also asks that residents hold on to existing green and blue recycling bins for the time being, as DPW is working with Rhode Island Resource Recovery to develop a collection and recycling program for those bins, once this program is successfully launched. Likewise, he asks that residents please not send existing garbage cans to the landfill. Mr. McBride suggests labeling your garbage can “compost” and using in place of paper yard waste bags. “If there is a need for it, we will look into a plastic recycling plan, similar to the one being developed for the recycling bins, for the trash cans,” he said.
Packets of information for how to use the new bins are attached to the insides of the bins. If after reviewing that information you still have questions on how to implement the new program, you can visit the town website at, scroll to bottom and click on the bin. Alternatively you can call the DPW's information extension at 253-4100 x 406.