East Bay vaccination pod now accepts walk-in clients

Shots also available at Stop & Shop pharmacies

By Mike Rego
Posted 5/5/21

EAST PROVIDENCE — The Rhode Island Department of Health last week announced the East Bay COVID-19 vaccination pod located in city at the Shoppers Town Plaza, 589 Taunton Ave., would going …

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East Bay vaccination pod now accepts walk-in clients

Shots also available at Stop & Shop pharmacies


EAST PROVIDENCE — The Rhode Island Department of Health last week announced the East Bay COVID-19 vaccination pod located in city at the Shoppers Town Plaza, 589 Taunton Ave., would going forward accept walk-in appointments for inoculations.

The pod, servicing residents of East Providence, Pawtucket, Barrington, Warren, Bristol and Tiverton, is open each Wednesday and Friday, from 9 a.m.-3:15 p.m. The two-shot Pfizer version of the vaccine is offered on those two days.

East Providence Fire Department’s Emergency Management Agency Deputy Director/Emergency Services Director Captain John Potvin said set appointments are still available for those who wish to schedule a specific time and date. That continues to be done through the RIDOH portal, www.vaccinateRI.org.

Also, Capt. Potvin said it is preferable for those who have already set up an appointment for either their first or second shot to maintain it. If there is a need to cancel or postpone a scheduled shot, he said it would be appreciated if it was done so properly through the vaccination website.

In addition, Capt. Potvin said the East Providence pod will once again be offering the single-dose, Johnson & Johnson vaccine, which was recently reviewed by federal authorities and once again deemed to be a safe option.
The J&J shot will be offered in city during a special vaccination session on Saturday, May 8.

Stop & Shop pharmacies
Residents of the city now have another option to receive their shots as Stop & Shop Supermarkets at all 14 of its Rhode Island pharmacy locations is now accepting walk-ins for the COVID-19 vaccine, including its store on Pawtucket Avenue.

Customers can still schedule appointments on Stop & Shop’s website, https://stopandshop.com/covid-vaccine, but, as is the case in general in city, appointments are no longer required to receive an immunization.

Recipients will have the choice of either the Moderna (two-shot) or J&J (single-shot) vaccine based on supply levels. Those administering the vaccinations will follow the same disinfection protocols as are being done at state-sponsored sites.

High School students
Upon the announcement that all Rhode Island residents ages 16 and up were immediately eligible to receive the vaccine, the district set up two dates for those East Providence High School students who wished to be inoculated at the city pod.

The shots were available to the students last weekend and on Friday, May 7. Students should inquire with the EPHS administration for more information.

EPB&G Club survey
The Boys & Girls Club of East Providence is seeking input from families to determine if should become another site in city to offer the COVID-19 vaccine.

The club is conducting a survey about the viability of doing so, which can be found at its website, https://epbgc.org.

The survey includes the following three short questions: 1. If the Club were to hold a COVID-19 vaccine clinic, would and/or your family attend? Yes or No?; 2. If you answered yes to question one, how many people would attend the clinic?; And 3. What are the ages of the people that would attend? Over 18 years old/ Under 18 years old.

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Jim McGaw

A lifelong Portsmouth resident, Jim graduated from Portsmouth High School in 1982 and earned a journalism degree from the University of Rhode Island in 1986. He's worked two different stints at East Bay Newspapers, for a total of 18 years with the company so far. When not running all over town bringing you the news from Portsmouth, Jim listens to lots and lots and lots of music, watches obscure silent films from the '20s and usually has three books going at once. He also loves to cook crazy New Orleans dishes for his wife of 25 years, Michelle, and their two sons, Jake and Max.