East Providence hires a dozen new firefighters

Posted 1/24/25

The City recently welcomed 12 new firefighters to the East Providence Fire Department thanks to a $3.75 million federal grant.

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East Providence hires a dozen new firefighters


The City recently welcomed 12 new firefighters to the East Providence Fire Department thanks to $3.75 million in federal funding through the Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (SAFER) grant program.

Following the completion of their 12-week, entry-level training program at the Rhode Island Fire Academy (concluding November 15, 2024), the probationary firefighters are now certified in Firefighter I and II, Fire Apparatus operation, and aerial operation. The probationary firefighters then had an additional nine-week training period through the Municipal Academy.

“We are immensely grateful for the work our firefighters do each and every day to serve our communities and keep us safe. Full staffing at our fire stations is critical to ensuring that firefighters can quickly, safely, and effectively respond to emergencies and protect our communities,” U.S. Senator Jack Reed said. “I’m proud to welcome these 12 new firefighters to the ranks here in East Providence, and I will continue to support the SAFER program and other sources of funding that provide critical support to first responders across our state.”

The graduating class of the East Providence Fire Department's 36th Training Academy is now prepared to provide advanced fire services to the residents of East Providence.

“The residents of East Providence are fortunate that through the SAFER grant, we now will have 12 highly trained individuals ready to respond at a moment’s notice to medical and other emergencies to keep our residents safe,” Mayor Bob DaSilva said. “I am very grateful to Senators Reed and Whitehouse, Congressman Amo, and Chief Carey for making this funding available…Chief Carey’s diligent work on the grant application ensured we had the funding to hire these new firefighters.”

“I extend my sincerest congratulations to these individuals upon reaching this significant milestone,” Chief “Their training and subsequent appointments to crucial first-responder positions have adequately prepared them for the challenges inherent in firefighting and emergency response, enabling them to best serve the residents of East Providence,” added Chief Michael Carey.

The following were sworn in and officially joined the East Providence Fire Department on Jan. 18, 2025:

Domenic Amitrano; Kurtis Anderson; Danielle Clarke; Nathan Correia; Alexandre Ferreira; Michael Glidden; John Haxton III; Brian Monteiro; Kevin Rancourt; Matthew Ricci; Tanis Tavernier; and Neil Teirney.

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Jim McGaw

A lifelong Portsmouth resident, Jim graduated from Portsmouth High School in 1982 and earned a journalism degree from the University of Rhode Island in 1986. He's worked two different stints at East Bay Newspapers, for a total of 18 years with the company so far. When not running all over town bringing you the news from Portsmouth, Jim listens to lots and lots and lots of music, watches obscure silent films from the '20s and usually has three books going at once. He also loves to cook crazy New Orleans dishes for his wife of 25 years, Michelle, and their two sons, Jake and Max.