Help is available for residents in need. Any Barrington residents facing an emergency and needing food should call the Town of Barrington's coronavirus hotline at 401-247-1900 ext. …
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Help is available for residents in need. Any Barrington residents facing an emergency and needing food should call the Town of Barrington's coronavirus hotline at 401-247-1900 ext. 384.
Arrangements will be made to provide groceries to families that need them.
The assistance comes at a crucial time when many families may be facing financial challenges associated with the coronavirus pandemic.
Meanwhile, the non-profit organization Tap-In (Touch A Person In Need) which offers food and other necessities to East Bay residents in need, will be closed from April 6 to 17 while they relocate from the ground floor of the Peck Center building to the Barrington Presbyterian Church. Tap-In offices are scheduled for renovation over the next few months.