Do insurance companies have your back, or are they really existing to protect the stockholders?
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To the editor:
Do insurance companies have your back, or are they really existing to protect the stockholders?
Let's see.
During hurricanes and massive floods, they are low-balling your costs, cancelling policies, and leaving the states always crying about massive losses despite the fact that they're one of the riches industries in the world.
They love to be regulated by the states because, when a business is regulated, it has to be guaranteed a profit.
The healthcare multiple insurance companies are touting your health needs, but they leave out the loopholes so when you get your hospital bill, you might have a second heart attack. Healthcare is no longer a profession, it is an industry beholden to the stockholders for maximum profits. Doctors are now charging for necessary phone calls.
Where are the regulators, grand juries, and government investigations when massive fraud is existing in the industry on the shoulders of the disappearing middle class picking up the tab?
It's folly for the lobby.
When you hear “I got your back” from the insurance companies you better run like hell, because the medical insurance industry is market driven, not patient driven.
Look for the charges or ask for them next time you enter a hospital for service.
Greed is indeed universal despite language or culture.
Richard Ferreira