To the editor:
Dear Barrington School Committee, in an article about cell phone use in school, Vawn Himmelsbach states, “75% of students feel that digital devices help them learn more …
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To the editor:
Dear Barrington School Committee, in an article about cell phone use in school, Vawn Himmelsbach states, “75% of students feel that digital devices help them learn more effectively.” High school-aged students believe phones help them academically more than teachers and parents think. As a student at Barrington High School, I use my phone to submit assignments when the wifi is down and contact my family and friends when needed.
This is a true fact, and the school should consider letting students have their phones in school.
There are many reasons why students should be able to use their phones during school. One of the big reasons for families is the topic of school safety. Students have a way to contact their parents at any time in case of emergencies, arranging rides, etc.
If they want to make a cell phone policy, instead of collecting phones as a whole school, they should have a system where we put them in a designated spot in the classroom. This way, in case of a lockdown or other emergencies, we have easier access to contact our parents. That is my opinion on this new phone school policy. Thank you for listening to my opinion.
Sincerely your student at Barrington High School,
Cara Oberg