Letter: Texting and driving is illegal, but who knows the law?

Posted 11/6/19

To the editor:

I am writing you with the hope you can answer a question for me in your weekly paper.

I am a resident of Bristol, but my business is located in Portsmouth. 

Our so-called …

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Letter: Texting and driving is illegal, but who knows the law?


To the editor:

I am writing you with the hope you can answer a question for me in your weekly paper.

I am a resident of Bristol, but my business is located in Portsmouth. 

Our so-called state leaders passed a law banning texting and handheld telephones while driving, which I felt was well overdue. My only problem with this law is most people don’t know about it and I can’t find any signs on Aquidneck Island or in Bristol, Warren, Barrington, Tiverton or Little Compton.

I was at Cumberland Farms in Bristol, across the street from the police station, and I asked four students from Roger Williams (University) is they knew it was against the law to text while driving and they never heard of the law. 

This law is not advertised on television or on the radio. There is a small sign on (Route 24) South just before you are entering Rhode Island, Unless you are looking for this sign, you will never see it and I don’t believe anyone driving on 24 South is looking at signs.

This law is very important and I believe signs should be on both signs of every major road in every single town or city in the state and should be broadcast every night on every single news station. You can’t give out a ticket if no one has been made aware of the law. Can you find out how many tickets have been issues since this law went into effect?

They have a large portable sign on 24 North telling you that you are two minutes away from Tiverton and one on 24 South telling you that you are two minutes from Portsmouth. Who cares? Is this the best use for these signs? How many people have you seen driving with phones?

Dominic J. Calarco


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Mike Rego has worked at East Bay Newspapers since 2001, helping the company launch The Westport Shorelines. He soon after became a Sports Editor, spending the next 10-plus years in that role before taking over as editor of The East Providence Post in February of 2012. To contact Mike about The Post or to submit information, suggest story ideas or photo opportunities, etc. in East Providence, email mrego@eastbaymediagroup.com.