Are the (18,000?) 95-gallon bins already ordered?
Does the town already own the 95-gallon bins?
Do these bins have our Bristol town logo imprinted on them?
If any of the preceding questions …
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Are the (18,000?) 95-gallon bins already ordered?
Does the town already own the 95-gallon bins?
Do these bins have our Bristol town logo imprinted on them?
If any of the preceding questions is a “yes" answer, then it’s easy to understand the town’s inability to switch from the 95- to the 65-gallon bins. Many people “on the street” suspect the town already owns these huge bins … Otherwise it’s difficult to understand why our town will not budge.
AGAIN, like Newport or Providence who are successfully using the 65-gallon bins, why can’t Bristol get the 65-gallon bins as the standard roll out size?
AGAIN, why can’t the 35-gallon bins be offered and delivered instead of the 65-gallon to those who request it in advance (no special circumstances needed), just like they did in Newport and just like what they are doing in Cranston?
The above questions are moot only if the town already owns the big 95 gallon bins. Otherwise, what are the answers?
Hopefully the new trash plan roll out information will be forthcoming in a mailing or flyer that would reach all residents. This big expenditure and major change for residents deserves transparency and should invite resident participation, unless it is too late. It might have been helpful for information to have been sent out to everyone with the tax bills in July or August.
Thank you for your consideration in this important matter.
Judy Anderson
This letter was also sent to the Bristol Town Council and Bristol town administrator.