NOAA and URI agree to explore effects of offshore wind energy


NOAA’s Northeast Fisheries Science Center, Woods Hole, Mass., and the University of Rhode Island (URI) have signed a five-year formal partnership agreement to research how offshore wind energy development will affect marine ecosystems and the people who live near, or work on, the ocean.

“Our science center and URI bring a deep bench of scientific expertise and experience in oceanography, marine life, fisheries, and coastal communities,” said Jon Hare, who leads the center. “I am delighted about this opportunity to leverage our capabilities to better understand the interactions between offshore wind development and marine ecosystems.”

For additional information about the partnership visit Wind Energy Partnership NOAA URI | NOAA Fisheries.


Hex Hatch Fly Tying Program, Thursday, July 6

At press time there were still slots open for the RI Department of Environmental Management (DEM) Aquatic Resource Education Program annual ‘Hex hatch’ fly fishing and tying session.  The program takes place Thursday, July 6, 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at DEM’s Acadia Management Area campus at the E. Huntee Fish and Wildlife Education Center. 

Visit for directions and registration.

Fly fishing anglers flock to the Wood River in Rhode Island for the annual Hexagenia Limbata hatch, Rhode Island’s largest mayfly. Fly instructor Ed Lombardo will talk about the Hex Hatch, where to go, how to fish it and the recommended fly fishing set up.  The program will include an opportunity to tie several flies that have been successful over the years.    There is no cost for the program. 

For information contact or call 401-330-0634..


Where’s the bite?

Striped bass and bluefish. “The bass bite is very slow in the Bay but customers are catching some bluefish.  Those traveling out in front of Newport are catching large fish, over the slot limit.” said John Littlefield of Archie’s Bait & Tackle, Riverside.  Jeff Sullivan of Lucky Bait & Tackle, Warren, said, “Fishing for striped bass has not been this good in years.  The bass had been feeding on the large amount of sand ells we have had around for the past couple of weeks now things are moving to more of a normal summer pattern with ells working for anglers out in front (of Newport) early morning with an excellent bite with eels at night.  You can catch them in the day too but the fish are deeper as the sun heats things up.  The outgoing tide seems to be working better lately.”  AJ and Tony Lombardo caught multiple bluefish in the mid 30 inch range trolling tube and work off Popasquash Point, Bristol.  “Eels are working well for customers fishing for bass off Newport.  The photos of fish I have seen are of some very large fish.” said Tom Giddings of Tackle Box, Warwick.  East End Eddie Doherty, Cape Cod Canal fishing expert and author said, “Abundant schools of mackerel, silversides, squid and other predator preferences are creating a bass buffet in the Big Ditch. Three 30 pounders were caught in the same area during a prolonged surface bite.” Declan O’Donnell of Breachway Bait & Tackle, Charlestown, said, “Striped bass and bluefish are around in good numbers with catches reported from the Breachway, back in the salt pond and off of the beaches. School bass have been found chasing bait at the surface along the south shore both in the morning and evening. Bigger bass coming from trolling sand eel umbrella rigs or fishing live bait on the bottom.”

Bottom fishing for fluke (summer flounder), scup, weakfish (squeteague) and black sea bass. Tom Giddings of the Tackle Box, said, “The weakfish bite has started off Warwick Light with some fluke being caught there and at Rocky Point the scup bite is outstanding.”  “The fluke bite has been good at the Newport Bridge, in front from Newport all the way to the Sakonnet River.  Last week we found 15 to 18 pound bluefish on top with fluke under them feeding on sand eels.  So the bite has been very good.” said Jeff Sullivan of Lucky Bait & Tackle.  Declan O’Donnell of Breachway Bait & Tackle, said, “Keeper fluke are being found in 40-feet of water off the beaches. The fluke fishing isn’t red hot but most everyone that has been putting in their time is finding a few keepers. Try sticking tight to structure when fishing local that has been the key to finding both fluke and seabass. The primary bait all fish are feeding on seems to be sand eels. There are some black sea bass around but they aren’t thick yet. Scup fishing has been excellent with solid catches reported from shore and boat.”  “John Littlefield of Archie’s Bait & Tackle, said, “Scup fishing has been good at Colt State Park with some fluke being caught from Warwick Light to Seminary Cover area.” 

“The bluefin tuna bite continues to improve with fish being caught southwest of the Dump.” said Jeff Sullivan of Lucky Bait & Tackle.  Angler Greg Vespe said on the RISAA blog, “We were out there on Thursday… seven for ten on bluefin tuna, five smalls, two mediums… and one mako shark bite off. All on the troll.”

“Freshwater fishing for largemouth bass is in spawn or post spawn depending on the pond you are fishing in.  Frogs and larger lures in the six to seven inch range all seem to be working.” said Jeff Sullivan of Lucky Bait & Tackle.  Tom Giddings of the Tackle Box said, “Shiners and a variety of top water lures are working best for customers fishing for largemouth bass.”

Dave Monti holds a captain’s master license and charter fishing license. He serves on a variety of boards and commissions and has a consulting business focusing on clean oceans, habitat preservation, conservation, renewable energy, and fisheries related issues and clients. Forward fishing news and photos to or visit

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Jim McGaw

A lifelong Portsmouth resident, Jim graduated from Portsmouth High School in 1982 and earned a journalism degree from the University of Rhode Island in 1986. He's worked two different stints at East Bay Newspapers, for a total of 18 years with the company so far. When not running all over town bringing you the news from Portsmouth, Jim listens to lots and lots and lots of music, watches obscure silent films from the '20s and usually has three books going at once. He also loves to cook crazy New Orleans dishes for his wife of 25 years, Michelle, and their two sons, Jake and Max.