Poll: Warren recycling bins aren't enough

Posted 1/8/20

A majority of respondents believe the town’s new recycling program is inadequate, according to an unscientific Warren Times-Gazette poll conducted over the past week on Facebook.

According …

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Poll: Warren recycling bins aren't enough


A majority of respondents believe the town’s new recycling program is inadequate, according to an unscientific Warren Times-Gazette poll conducted over the past week on Facebook.

According to the poll, 74 percent of respondents out of a pool of 210 said they fill their recycle bins too soon and run out of space, while 26 percent said they are satisfied and have had no problems. The program has been in place since the beginning of December; while trash is picked up every week by the town's new hauler, MEGA, recycling is bi-weekly and recyclables not put in new 95-gallon bins provided by the town will not be picked up.

It's "horrendous that recycling is every two weeks," wrote one respondent. "It is going to cause people to put overflow into trash bins which absolutely defeats the purpose of recycling."

That is what town officials were trying to avoid by providing what they believed were recycling receptacles large enough to ensure recycling wouldn't end up in the trash.

Warren DPW Director Jan Malik said the recent holiday strained services as the volume of recycling and trash was much higher than normal. Still, he said, residents have the option of purchasing additional recycling bins (cost, $65 each) if they believe the single bin they were provided at the beginning of December is not enough.

So far, he said, "we haven't sold that many extra at all."

As for trash bins, residents cannot buy extras — "one is all you get," he said.

One other issue has been the bi-weekly collection, as some residents are still unclear as to when they should leave out their recycling. But Mr. Malik said the town recently sent out a calendar to residents that highlights recycling collection dates. He believes that should help residents get used the new schedule.

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Mike Rego has worked at East Bay Newspapers since 2001, helping the company launch The Westport Shorelines. He soon after became a Sports Editor, spending the next 10-plus years in that role before taking over as editor of The East Providence Post in February of 2012. To contact Mike about The Post or to submit information, suggest story ideas or photo opportunities, etc. in East Providence, email mrego@eastbaymediagroup.com.