Warren Health Equity Zone climate workshop series continue

Offer "Where Warren Meets the Future," "Climate, Safety And Resilience" workshops

Posted 10/28/24

The Warren Health Equity Zone (HEZ) continues its current series of environmental anxiety over the next several weeks, including its upcoming "Where Warren Meets the Future" workshop set for …

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Warren Health Equity Zone climate workshop series continue

Offer "Where Warren Meets the Future," "Climate, Safety And Resilience" workshops


The Warren Health Equity Zone (HEZ) continues its current series of environmental anxiety over the next several weeks, including its upcoming "Where Warren Meets the Future" workshop set for Thursday, Nov. 7, from 6:30-7:30 p.m. in the Warren Town Hall Youth Center room located off the parking lot on Joyce Street.

The second of three planned workshops, "Where Warren Meets the Future" is an hour-long discussion on centered on how the occurrence of increased flooding in communities presents growing challenges, which are having an emotional impact on residents who have lived there for generations.

According to Warren HEZ, as environmental changes escalate, it becomes more difficult to continue living in these areas. Reflecting on the past, celebrating memories, and imagining ways to adapt and improve life are necessary as living by the water becomes harder.

Warren HEZ encourages residents to engage with the community in one or more of the workshops, which are led by environmental educators Kate Schapira, from Brown University, and Adriana Buller, from Newport Tree Conservancy.

The theme of the initial forum, held October 3, was "Warren Tomorrow," helping to keep ourselves and others calm, disaster planning with the people next door, sharing our expertise in handling tough situations.

The November 7 meeting focuses on the concept, "Warren in Five Years." Flooding is getting more common and inconvenient; it’s getting harder to live close to the water. Celebrating the lives we’ve had in our neighborhoods, envisioning what might improve even as some things get harder, learning ways to draw on strength to deal with grief.

The third and final workshop in the series, "Warren in 10 Years," is scheduled for Thursday, Dec. 5, at the same location and time. The shape of the town has changed; there are new places to live, work and play Practicing constructive conflict, envisioning a satisfying place to live, and turning your visions for the future of Warren into action today.

In addition, Warren HEZ conducts monthly meetings, "Climate, Safety And Resilience" series, in the Mary V. Quirk School, 790 Main St., from 6:30-8 p.m. Due to Thanksgiving, the next meeting is schediled for Tuesday, Nov. 19. The gatherings usually take place on the fourth Tuesday of every other month.

Join Warren's safety, emergency, and climate working group every fourth Tuesday to connect with fellow residents and share concerns. Learn about lowering flood insurance, flood-proofing your home, and preparing for storms with your neighbors. Each month, explore new topics, including how to stay calm in difficult situations and improve household and community resilience.

Health Equity Zones, also located nearby in Bristol and East Providence, are an initiative of the Rhode Island Department of Health and East Bay Community Action Program.

For more information about all Warren HEZ programs scan the included QR code, call 401-847-7821, x1635, email warrenhez@ebcap.org or visit https://www.ebcap.org/health-equity-zones.

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Jim McGaw

A lifelong Portsmouth resident, Jim graduated from Portsmouth High School in 1982 and earned a journalism degree from the University of Rhode Island in 1986. He's worked two different stints at East Bay Newspapers, for a total of 18 years with the company so far. When not running all over town bringing you the news from Portsmouth, Jim listens to lots and lots and lots of music, watches obscure silent films from the '20s and usually has three books going at once. He also loves to cook crazy New Orleans dishes for his wife of 25 years, Michelle, and their two sons, Jake and Max.