Warren once again celebrates its athletic heroes of years gone by

Hall of Fame ceremony fills Venus De Milo upon return to famed local venue

Posted 10/21/24

The stars shined brightly Saturday night at the Warren Athletic Hall of Fame Induction Banquet at the Venus De Milo Restaurant in Swansea, where a packed crowd gathered to pay tribute to some of the …

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Warren once again celebrates its athletic heroes of years gone by

Hall of Fame ceremony fills Venus De Milo upon return to famed local venue


The stars shined brightly Saturday night at the Warren Athletic Hall of Fame Induction Banquet at the Venus De Milo Restaurant in Swansea, where a packed crowd gathered to pay tribute to some of the greatest athletes in this town’s illustrious history.

It had been a couple of years since this event had been held at the Venus, but as dinner chairperson and host Martha Delekta pointed out, “It was nice coming back to the Venus to see so many people here in support of these great athletes.”

This year’s induction class included Joseph Andrade, Patrick B. DeSoscio, Rick Jackson, Ken McPhillips, Stacia Medina Jackson, Jim Mello, Nick Murgo, Peter A. Picerelli, the 1993 Mt. Hope High School Boys’ soccer team, the 1985 Warren High School Boys’ soccer team, the Warren/Bristol Playgrounds Under 16 1943 baseball state champions, and the 1921 Warren Grammar School Baseball State Champions. Pete Sepe Scholarship Award winners included Tucker DeWolf and James Thibaudeau.

The banquet program began with opening comments by State Sen. Walter S. Felag Jr., followed by the presentation of inductees and awards by Butch Lombardi, Jack Flynn, Jay Ferreira, Gary Martins, Diane Gempp and Martha Delekta. Slide show producers included Jule Abbruzzi (who also served as photographer) and Mark Aubin. Program design was under the direction of Kevin M. Ferias.

A few tears were shed during certain segments of the program, including those by Joseph Andrade Jr., who couldn’t say enough good things about his late father, Joe Andrade Sr.

“My father loved the town of Warren”” he said. “He used to reminisce about Pat Abbruzzi’s House of Naples Restaurant and some of the good times they had. My dad was always there for us. My dad would have been so proud to be here tonight to receive this great honor.”

Pat DeSocio echoed, “This is as much about mom and dad as it is for me.” And, Nick Murgo, who comes from a great athletic family in Bristol County, thanked his family for all their support.

The grandson of the late legendary Colt Memorial High School star athlete and former Barrington High School football coach Frank Murgo, Nick said that football is the consummate team sport. “Everyone plays an important part,” he noted.

Soccer coach Tony Teixeira also emphasized his appreciation and admiration for the 1993 Mt. Hope High School boys’ soccer team and what they were able to accomplish.

“They put in the time and effort and gave it everything they had to make our season so successful,” he said. “I can’t say enough good things about this team.”

In conclusion, Butch Lombardi also told the audience that the Hall of Fame committee, as they continue to age, is always looking for new members.

“We need new blood,” he announced. “So, if anyone who would like to join our committee, that would be great.”

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Jim McGaw

A lifelong Portsmouth resident, Jim graduated from Portsmouth High School in 1982 and earned a journalism degree from the University of Rhode Island in 1986. He's worked two different stints at East Bay Newspapers, for a total of 18 years with the company so far. When not running all over town bringing you the news from Portsmouth, Jim listens to lots and lots and lots of music, watches obscure silent films from the '20s and usually has three books going at once. He also loves to cook crazy New Orleans dishes for his wife of 25 years, Michelle, and their two sons, Jake and Max.