Little Compton celebrates 350th with icy plunge Wednesday

350th birthday committee organizes plunge at Sakonnet Harbor, high noon

By Ted Hayes
Posted 12/31/24

Though there hasn’t been an organized New Year’s Day swim at Sakonnet Harbor in many years, if ever, hardy souls including members of the ‘Mermazons’ daily swim group shown …

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Little Compton celebrates 350th with icy plunge Wednesday

350th birthday committee organizes plunge at Sakonnet Harbor, high noon


Though there hasn’t been an organized New Year’s Day swim at Sakonnet Harbor in many years, if ever, hardy souls including members of the ‘Mermazons’ daily swim group shown here, swim there regularly year-round.

Little Compton turns 350 years old in 2025, and Phil Warren plans to ring in the big year by doing something he’s seldom considered in his 60 years — going for a nice New Year’s Day swim in Sakonnet Harbor.

“I probably won’t be doing the breast stroke,” he joked.

Still, Warren said he felt somewhat obligated to take part in the New Year’s Day plunge, the first official event of the town’s year-long 350th birthday celebration. He is one of the swim’s two organizers, along with Beth Ryan, who apparently is going in too.

As far as he knows, Wednesday’s High Noon plunge is the first organized New Year’s swim held at the harbor in many years, if ever, though there are usually small private swims each year. It will be held adjacent to the boat ramp, police and fire details have been secured, and when he’s not swimming Warren said he will direct folks about with a bullhorn. Once it’s all over, warm drinks and hot soup for all will be given out at the community center.

As it is the first official event sponsored by LC350, the committee formed to organize the town’s birthday celebrations, most or all of the committee members will be there. There are a lot of events planned for the Spring and summer, culminating with the opening of a time capsule planted at Richmond’s Field during the 300th birthday celebration back in 1975.

For more information on the plunge, or to find out about what the town is doing for the big birthday, see

Tiverton plunge

Just before Little Compton swimmers jump in the chilly water at noon sharp, Tiverton residents will have already gotten wet.

The Tiverton Yacht Club’s annual Penguin Plunge is scheduled for 11:45 a.m.

As always, the plunge benefits the Tiverton Public Library through donations from swimmers and supporters who watch from shore.

Though not required for participation, ‘penguins’ are  encouraged to seek and make donations for their swim in advance, and bring them on the big day. Pledge forms are available at the library at 34 Roosevelt Ave., or you can download them from Checks can be made payable to the Tiverton Library Foundation.

For more info, contact Greg Jones at, or call the library at 625-6796.

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Jim McGaw

A lifelong Portsmouth resident, Jim graduated from Portsmouth High School in 1982 and earned a journalism degree from the University of Rhode Island in 1986. He's worked two different stints at East Bay Newspapers, for a total of 18 years with the company so far. When not running all over town bringing you the news from Portsmouth, Jim listens to lots and lots and lots of music, watches obscure silent films from the '20s and usually has three books going at once. He also loves to cook crazy New Orleans dishes for his wife of 25 years, Michelle, and their two sons, Jake and Max.