To the editor: In the January 30th issue, “Library forum a defense of antisemitism”, Jonathan Carney’s letter to the editor was misleading and insulting. To set the record …
To the editor: By now every American knows or should know about the freedoms and rights we as Americans have. Sadly, what we don't have aynmore is honest journalism. That is unbiased facts …
Democracy is messy because everyone has an opinion. Governing in a democracy is hard because finding common ground among swirling opinions is often exceedingly contentious. This dilemma can …
To the editor, According to Webster’s Dictionary, a volunteer is a person who works for an organization without being paid. I have been a member of the Bristol Fourth of July …
To the editor: Last week the group “East Bay Citizens for Peace” did a forum at Rogers Free Library called “The Weaponization of Antisemitism.” Fearing the forum would be …