Bristol purchasing new rescue truck

Posted 1/7/21

The Bristol Fire Department will be getting a new vehicle soon, to replace Rescue 2, pictured here behind Fire Department headquarters on Annawamscutt Drive. The 9-year-old vehicle has about 180,000 …

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Bristol purchasing new rescue truck


The Bristol Fire Department will be getting a new vehicle soon, to replace Rescue 2, pictured here behind Fire Department headquarters on Annawamscutt Drive. The 9-year-old vehicle has about 180,000 miles on its odometer, and it was due to be replaced with monies earmarked in the Fiscal Year 2021-’22 Capital Budget. But that timeline was moved up because, said Chief Michael DeMello at the Dec. 30 Town Council meeting, “the engine blew three months ago.”

With estimated repair costs hovering around $40,000, fixing the soon-to-be-mothballed vehicle was determined to be counterproductive. Chief DeMello sought permission to order a new rescue vehicle, the construction and outfitting of which can take six months and costs roughly $330,000, though the full balance would not be due until delivery.

Despite the cost — and some discussion about how to ultimately finance the purchase — the motion to approve the order passed the Council unanimously.

“It’s expensive, but it’s one of our most important vehicles,” said Town Administrator Steven Contente. It is typical for two of the town’s three rescue vehicles to be out on calls, with a third available for emergencies, mutual aid, or if one of the others is being maintained.

“Three good rescue vehicles are critical,” said Mr. Contente.

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Mike Rego has worked at East Bay Newspapers since 2001, helping the company launch The Westport Shorelines. He soon after became a Sports Editor, spending the next 10-plus years in that role before taking over as editor of The East Providence Post in February of 2012. To contact Mike about The Post or to submit information, suggest story ideas or photo opportunities, etc. in East Providence, email