Letters to the Editor
224 results total, viewing 1 - 25
Democracy is messy because everyone has an opinion. Governing in a democracy is hard because finding common ground among swirling opinions is often exceedingly contentious. This dilemma can … more
To the editor: This is the most dangerous time of year for Rhode Islanders. It is when the legislature is back in session and the politicians gather to play their games. Every year, our … more
If we could choose to put our humanity first and reach out with kindness, we could live in peace on earth. more
How often do we face the necessity of an important change in our lives, whether we are ready or not? more
I believe we can use our strengths, next to the capital city, on the I-195 corridor, 14 miles of coastline, to our advantage to continue building the arts scene here in EP. more
Now that the election is over and I’m beginning to come to grips with my anger and sadness over the results of the presidential election, I’m taking solace in a number of things that … more
Beginning in May of this year, this newspaper has refused to publish letters to the editor about national politics, stating that such letters must focus on local issues and news only.  Citizen … more
Rhode Island’s Question 1, which proposes holding a constitutional convention, would risk undermining our fundamental rights. more
Voting yes on Question 1 is the only way to bring power back to you, the voter and taxpayer, and not the gatekeepers like politicians and lobby groups. more
Do insurance companies have your back, or are they really existing to protect the stockholders? more
To the editor: In a few weeks I will fill bubbles. First bubble on the list will be for president and vice-president. Six candidates are running for president/vice president in Rhode Island … more
East Providence has enough challenges to face without adding spiritual conflict to the mix. more
Now that the League of Women Voters’ candidates’ forums are over in the East Bay, I would like to publicly thank Scott Pickering for his generosity of time and talent in moderating our … more
Across this great state of ours, Rhode Islanders are considering who to vote for in the Nov. 5 General Election.   Candidates are doing everything they can to try to earn those votes. One fact … more
To the editor: Dear fellow citizens of Aquidneck Island, I write this letter to urge you to help us invest in our island’s vibrant art, culture life, and economic growth by voting … more
The thought that creating a new medical school that will, in any kind of timely fashion, stamp out legions of home grown primary care doctors that will stay in state is the highest order of magical thinking. more
I was taught in my teens that driving is a privilege, not a right.  Another week, another driver convicted of DUI that has had numerous prior DUI convictions, many resulting in accidents … more
To the editor: I’m writing to express my strong support for the expansion of offshore wind as a generational leap forward in our pursuit of environmentally sound energy policy. Given … more
The danger of a nuclear disaster — either intentional or by accident — is the gravest immediate threat to our very existence. more
I would be remiss if I remained silent with regard to the current question of whether or not to call a constitutional convention. more
To the editor: On June 6, the Rhode Island House of Representatives adopted with broad support a resolution urging the federal government to pursue a wide range of measures to reduce the danger … more
To the editor: As I drive around some of the high-rent areas of the island, I see huge single-family homes, with perfectly kept lawns and hedges. It would be reasonable to assume that their … more
To the editor: If we continue to be the leading nation of the world, then certainly our politicians are the most powerful people in civil discourse.   Then how is it one party kowtows … more
To the editor: Nikki Haley has called Trump, among other things, “unhinged,” but has said she will support him because Biden has been a “catastrophe.” Friday, it was … more
To the editor: As a small business owner running a pediatric occupational therapy institute in Rhode Island, I know that the struggle to find affordable, convenient child care is a daily reality … more
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Jim McGaw

A lifelong Portsmouth resident, Jim graduated from Portsmouth High School in 1982 and earned a journalism degree from the University of Rhode Island in 1986. He's worked two different stints at East Bay Newspapers, for a total of 18 years with the company so far. When not running all over town bringing you the news from Portsmouth, Jim listens to lots and lots and lots of music, watches obscure silent films from the '20s and usually has three books going at once. He also loves to cook crazy New Orleans dishes for his wife of 25 years, Michelle, and their two sons, Jake and Max.