House passes Kazarian’s Equality in Abortion Coverage Act bill

East Providence representative is lead sponsor of the legislation

Posted 4/27/23

PROVIDENCE— The House of Representatives passed Rep. Katherine S. Kazarian’s (D-Dist. 63, East Providence, Pawtucket) Equality in Abortion Coverage Act Thursday evening, April 27, a piece …

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House passes Kazarian’s Equality in Abortion Coverage Act bill

East Providence representative is lead sponsor of the legislation


PROVIDENCE— The House of Representatives passed Rep. Katherine S. Kazarian’s (D-Dist. 63, East Providence, Pawtucket) Equality in Abortion Coverage Act Thursday evening, April 27, a piece of legislation (2023-H 5006) ensuring individuals on Medicaid and state health insurance plans have coverage for abortion procedures.

The legislation would eliminate sections of law that expressly prohibit state employees’ and Medicaid recipients’ insurance from covering for abortion, except in cases of rape or incest or where the life of the mother would be endangered, as required by federal law.

In compliance with the federal Hyde Amendment, which prohibits federal funding of abortion services, it adds language that specifies that no federal funds shall be used to pay for them, except as authorized under federal law.

The bill would add Rhode Island to the ranks of 16 states, including Massachusetts, Connecticut, Vermont and Maine, whose Medicaid programs cover abortion.

Kazarian said this is the only medical procedure that is carved out of the state laws regarding health insurance coverage. She added excluding state employees and low-income patients from having insurance coverage for reproductive health services is "unfair and wrong."

“While I am grateful that Rhode Island has codified Roe V. Wade into state law, access to reproductive health is still not equal in our state. Unless an individual is able to pay the costs out of pocket or is on private insurance, these essential health care services are still out of reach for too many Rhode Islanders. With reproductive rights remaining under attack in our nation’s capital, the passage of the Equality in Abortion Coverage Act will provide total equality for everyone in Rhode Island who needs reproductive health services access,” said Kazarian, who serves in leadership as the Majority Whip.

Cosponsors of the legislation in the House include Reps. Edith H. Ajello (D-Dist. 1, Providence), Karen Alzate (D-Dist. 60, Pawtucket), Leonela Felix (D-Dist. 61, Pawtucket), House Majority Leader Christopher R. Blazejewski (D-Dist. 2, Providence), Reps. Kathleen A. Fogarty (D-Dist. 35, South Kingstown), Carol Hagan McEntee (D-Dist. 33, South Kingstown, Narragansett), Jason Knight (D-Dist. 67, Barrington, Warren), Joshua J. Giraldo (D-Dist. 56, Central Falls) and Lauren H. Carson (D-Dist. 75, Newport).

The bill now heads to the Senate for consideration where Sen. Bridget G. Valverde (D-Dist. 35, North Kingstown, East Greenwich, South Kingstown) has introduced the legislation (2023-S 0032).

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Jim McGaw

A lifelong Portsmouth resident, Jim graduated from Portsmouth High School in 1982 and earned a journalism degree from the University of Rhode Island in 1986. He's worked two different stints at East Bay Newspapers, for a total of 18 years with the company so far. When not running all over town bringing you the news from Portsmouth, Jim listens to lots and lots and lots of music, watches obscure silent films from the '20s and usually has three books going at once. He also loves to cook crazy New Orleans dishes for his wife of 25 years, Michelle, and their two sons, Jake and Max.