By Jim McGaw
PORTSMOUTH — Rhode Island Energy is seeking state approval to alter or disturb about 1.72 aces of freshwater wetlands on the south side of Old Mill Lane, where its controversial portable liquified natural gas (LNG) equipment facility is located.
The company, referred to as the Narragansett Electric Company in the proposal, has an application before the R.I. Department of Environmental Management’s (DEM) Freshwater Wetlands Program.
The proposed project is located about 150 feet south of Old Mill Lane, and about 1,100 feet southeast of the intersection of Old Mill Lane and Wapping Road, according to DEM’s April 5 public notice.
The work would impact “at least” a swamp, a 50-foot perimeter wetland, a 100-foot riverbank wetland, and floodplain, the notice stated. The work would include just over 18,000 square feet of wetland restoration.
“The purpose of the proposed alterations is for the reconstruction of (an LNG) portable equipment facility including at least relocation of existing above-ground portable propane storage tanks, vaporizers, and associated equipment, and installation of new pervious pavement, a new chain link fence, a noise barrier, and a stormwater management system, with wetland restoration plantings, vegetative clearing, site grading, and filling of wetland,” the noice stated. “The proposed alterations to freshwater wetlands consist of at least filling, grading, clearing, excavation and other construction-related disturbance within the above-noted freshwater wetlands.”
Abutters, along with the Town Council, Conservation Commission, the Planning Board, the Zoning Board, and any other interested parties, have 45 days after the notice date to comment on the application to DEM. That would mean a deadline of Monday, May 20.
RIDEM's mailing address is 235 Promenade St., Providence, RI 02908. The application number is 22-0322.
Full-sized site plans illustrating the proposed project and detailing the freshwater wetlands to be altered are on file at the Town Clerk’s office at Town Hall. A reduced-size set of site plans are also available as part of DEM’s public notice of the application.