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Democracy is messy because everyone has an opinion. Governing in a democracy is hard because finding common ground among swirling opinions is often exceedingly contentious. This dilemma can … more
Ian Donnis’ Rhode Island politics roundup for Jan. 31, 2025 1. STORY OF THE WEEK: If the past week tells us anything, here are a few starting points: 1) Democratic-leaning states like … more
To the editor: This is the most dangerous time of year for Rhode Islanders. It is when the legislature is back in session and the politicians gather to play their games. Every year, our … more
STORY OF THE WEEK: President Trump ’s use of an executive order to try to eliminate birthright citizenship — a right enshrined in the Constitution not long after the Civil War — … more
I only caught the Town Council meeting on Monday, Jan. 13 on YouTube, and so may have missed something, but I didn't hear those candidates who ran on all that … more
STORY OF THE WEEK: Gov. Dan McKee had a high-profile platform last Tuesday, using his State of the State speech to assert that Rhode Island is “flipping the script” from some of the less … more
To the editor: The new majority on the Town Council ran on a platform of “fiscally sound decision making,” but now they’re driving the town into a lawsuit that could cost … more
To the editor: Proper respect for the decision of the electors suggests that those who are vanquished should hold their tongue. However, good stewardship compels comment when successors are … more
To the editor: The topic of waste collection here in Portsmouth is best examined as a case study in microeconomics. more
Here is a basic New Year’s resolution for state political leaders: “Spend taxpayer money as if it were you own.” Instead, far too many politicians make giddy spending decisions … more
Kudos to Common Cause Rhode Island for filing a complaint and seeking a tighter code of ethics in Rhode Island in the wake of a scandal involving Gov. Dan McKee and the awarding of a $5.2 million … more
      1. STORY OF THE WEEK: Dec. 11 marks the one-year anniversary of the abrupt emergency closing of the westbound Washington Bridge, a crisis whose full effect will … more
Head outside on a clear winter night in the East Bay and you might just be greeted by the deep, soft hoots of Great Horned Owls advertising their territories and calling to their mates. Listen more … more
To the editor: Are you interested in history and archaeology in your community? If you are, then read below on developments that are taking place in Portsmouth! This past summer, students … more
December 15 is the anniversary of our Bill of Rights. On that date in 1791, Virginia’s ratification of Articles I through X of our Constitution incorporated them permanently into our … more
To the editor: A recent press release regarding the completion of the Aquidneck Avenue, Middletown reconstruction found RIDOT taking a self-awarded victory lap.   Most of us remember … more
To the editor: Warning! Device renders you an unwitting participant in one of the largest uncontrolled experiments ever performed. Highly addictive algorithms can result in an endless … more
To the editor: I write today in support of the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) proposal for Quaker Manor and Quaker Estates heating systems that the new Town Council will consider at … more
To the editor: I am writing to urge Town Council approval of the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) application for improving the heating systems at Quaker Manor and Quaker Estates. The … more
On Nov. 15, 2024, Brown University returned 255 acres of Mt. Hope (Potumtuk) land in Bristol to the people who had been stewarding it for 12,000 years. Nearly 350 years ago, King Philip’s … more
To the editor: Congratulations to all newly elected Portsmouth Town Council members. If there is one message that is loud and clear in the election, both locally and nationally, is that voters … more
To the editor: It is interesting that Mr. Levesque’s letter in the Times of Nov. 14 (“There was good reason for my legislation on sewers”) in response to my letter to the … more
To the editor: I want to thank the citizens of Portsmouth that took the time to vote on Election Day. I am especially grateful and appreciative to those who voted for me and have given me the … more
When we first learned that the Rhode Island Interscholastic League (RIIL) had adopted a new system for rating the strength of Rhode Island high school sports teams, we were dubious. Now that it took … more
Now that the election is over and I’m beginning to come to grips with my anger and sadness over the results of the presidential election, I’m taking solace in a number of things that … more
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Jim McGaw

A lifelong Portsmouth resident, Jim graduated from Portsmouth High School in 1982 and earned a journalism degree from the University of Rhode Island in 1986. He's worked two different stints at East Bay Newspapers, for a total of 18 years with the company so far. When not running all over town bringing you the news from Portsmouth, Jim listens to lots and lots and lots of music, watches obscure silent films from the '20s and usually has three books going at once. He also loves to cook crazy New Orleans dishes for his wife of 25 years, Michelle, and their two sons, Jake and Max.