100 Years Ago

100 Years Ago: Grave on Burr’s Hill accepted as Massasoit’s burial ground

Posted 12/7/23

The talk of the town 100 years ago involved the discovery of what would become known as the grave of Chief Massasoit in a burial site on Burr's Hill.

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100 Years Ago

100 Years Ago: Grave on Burr’s Hill accepted as Massasoit’s burial ground


The following passages were taken from the pages of the Warren and Barrington Gazette, this week, in 1923.

Warren people were particularly interested in an announcement which appeared in Monday morning’s paper, relative to the grave of Chief Massasoit, inasmuch as it is now an established fact that the last resting place of the great chief of the Wampanoags was on Burr’s Hill and was discovered by the late Charles L. Carr of Warren.

The announcement was as follows:

The Daughters of the American Revolution and Mayflower Descendants have established after a search that the grave of Chief Massasoit of the Wampanoags, father of the Pilgrims during their first winter in Massachusetts, was in Warren, RI, it was announced yesterday.

Relics in the possession of the Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, in this city appear to have settled the question. These articles were presented to the museum by the late Charles L. Carr, who dug them from an Indian burial place at Warren, which was the seat of the Government of the Wampanoag.

Chief Massasoit’s friend, Governor Winslow, is credited by the history with having given the chief a red coat trimmed with gold braid and a brass barreled pistol. Among the relics unearthed by Mr. Carr were lengths of gold braid, the small brass barrel of an ancient pistol, a copper medallion with a bus of Maurice, Prince of Orange, and a great quantity of wampum.

In the grave was found a skeleton so decomposed that it did not hold together. In adjoining graves were skeletons, one of a woman thought to have been Chief Massasoit’s wife.

Mr. Carr was greatly interested in Indian lore and was always delving into history and searching for relics of the early settlers of the land. He made many valuable discoveries during his search in and about Warren, and the discovery of the graves on Burr’s Hill was one of many. Valuable collections of his have been presented to the George Hail Library, as well as to museums in New York and elsewhere.

Worst ever — Warren made awful showing on Bliven Field
The manager of the Warren football eleven has been busy today answering questions as to the why and how of it.

Although his explanations may satisfy him, they do not satisfy the hundreds of Warren fans who went to Bliven Field on Thursday afternoon expecting to see as lively a football battles as they have a baseball battle in days gone by. There was nothing to it, however, Warren not being able to cross the goal. They came home scoreless. Bristol piled up 30 points during the terrible slaughter of the innocents.

So terrible was the game that the sporting editor, hired for the occasion, refused to soil his pen writing up the awful tale — hence one will never know the true story of the downfall of Warren from a Warren viewpoint.

Lost A Turkey
Instead of the regular drill Wednesday evening, the Warren Artillery held a turkey shoot, similar to the one inaugurated a year ago. As then, there was much enthusiasm and a large number tried their luck at shooting.

Some proved that they had a good eye, while others were so nervous over the possible prospect of getting a gobbler that their shots went wide of the mark.

Howard I. Martin, a former officer of the Artillery, proved that he can still hit the bulls eye, getting a string of 45 out of a possible 50. Howis was sure he was going to dine the Artillery bird, but Sergeant Magayzle also was right there and he tied with Lieut. Martin. In the shoot off, Magayzle got 48, and won the bird.

The shoot was conducted by Capt. Isaac Bouffard, Lieut. Mabey and Sgt. Magayzle.

During the evening a volleyball game was played and this was won by the artillery team, which was in charge of Lieut. Nunes. This picked team of the Artillery defeated a team known as Smith’s Tigers, which was composed of the pick of the town. They hadn’t a show with the Artillery boys, however, the latter winning all three, the scores being 21-18, 21-14, 21-20, with the Artillery boys getting the big end every time.

Girl accepts position at night, loots house next day
Where is Nellie Anderson?

The police of Barrington, as well as the officials at the House of Corrections, would like to know.

Miss Anderson, who is 19 years of age, has quite a record for one so young, and she added to it, by robbing a house in Barrington Monday morning.

It seems that the girl, who looks more like a boy than she does a girl, appeared at the home of Cecil W. Annis, Sunday evening, in answer to an advertisement for help wanted. Mrs. Annis is employed as postmistress at Barrtington and Mr. Annis works for the Harris family at Rumstick Road.

The girl, who appeared to answer the wants of Mrs. Annis, who desired someone to stay with her children during the day, was left in charge when Mrs. Annis went to the post office Monday morning. Shortly after the parents had left, the girl sent the children out to play. At noon, when Mrs. Annis arrived home for lunch, there was no lunch, neither was there any girl and the house was ransacked.

Mr. Annis called Chief Robbins, who at once began an investigation. He found that the girl had escaped from the House of Corrections last Tuesday. According to officials, there she made her escape by climbing over a high wall. Mrs. Annis noticed scratches on the girl’s arms, and she very cleverly told the story of how she dropped off an electric car while it was in motion, thus receiving the scratches.

When she left the Annis home, she took everything of value that she could carry. Included in the loot was a dress skirt, shoes, woolen hosiery, a scarf, two sweaters, two traveling bags, 20 in money which she extracted from the children’s banks, and two bank books that belong to Mrs. Annis’s mother.

As she left the yard she told the children, according to the little six-year-old boy, that she was going up town and would soon return and that she would bring them some toys.

According to the officials at the prison, she was a slick article. She was taken into custody for them by Boston police and was serving time at the House of Corrections, from which she escaped Tuesday. She had her hair cut like a boy, was light complexioned, five feet tall, and weighed 120 pounds.

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Jim McGaw

A lifelong Portsmouth resident, Jim graduated from Portsmouth High School in 1982 and earned a journalism degree from the University of Rhode Island in 1986. He's worked two different stints at East Bay Newspapers, for a total of 18 years with the company so far. When not running all over town bringing you the news from Portsmouth, Jim listens to lots and lots and lots of music, watches obscure silent films from the '20s and usually has three books going at once. He also loves to cook crazy New Orleans dishes for his wife of 25 years, Michelle, and their two sons, Jake and Max.