Editorial: Is this the best time of the year?

Posted 10/6/21

Best month of the year in New England? While July gets a lot of love, and September is a favorite for many, October should be in everyone’s top-three.

Consider the opportunities in the …

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Editorial: Is this the best time of the year?


Best month of the year in New England? While July gets a lot of love, and September is a favorite for many, October should be in everyone’s top-three.

Consider the opportunities in the next few weeks. With weather that is typically pleasant, with landscapes that are still in bloom, October offers endless enticements to get outside and enjoy this region — before the icy grip of winter.

Locally and throughout Rhode Island, apple orchards are still bursting with ripe bounty. Farmers’ markets are still more than viable — they’re actually magnificent. The farmers’ market on the East Side of Providence takes place every Saturday through the end of the month, with a wide variety of produce, meats, flowers, art and more. The market at Mt. Hope Farm continues in the south pasture of that spectacular property, also every Saturday. And the Schoolyard Market at Hope & Main has two more editions left, with a final date scheduled for Wednesday, Oct. 13.

Every day of the week, farm stands are still setting out locally-grown produce, with pumpkins and squash and other seasonal harvests. Take a trip through the Sakonnet and South Coast region and discover the beautiful places and unique products of these special small businesses.

At each of these stops, customers not not only source their goods locally, they support very special, very unique, small businesses — the type that have minimal environmental impact, preserve open space, shape the character of the region, and enhance property values for everyone else.

There are special events on the October calendar, like the 21st annual giant pumpkin weigh-off at Frerichs Farm in Warren, taking place this Saturday. A love-fest for the giant gourd-growers of New England, this is also a fantastic opportunity to get outside, appreciate the season and support the small growers of New England.

With all these opportunities come the hidden benefits of life out of doors. Families can create lifelong memories with each other. Children can put down their devices and explore the natural world. Partners can unplug, enjoy new experiences and appreciate time together.

It’s ok to slip in the occasional selfie (might as well take advantage of those magnificent backdrops), but it’s also ok to leave the phone in the car, spend some time outdoors and appreciate October in New England. It comes around only once per year, and some say it’s the best time of the year.

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Mike Rego has worked at East Bay Newspapers since 2001, helping the company launch The Westport Shorelines. He soon after became a Sports Editor, spending the next 10-plus years in that role before taking over as editor of The East Providence Post in February of 2012. To contact Mike about The Post or to submit information, suggest story ideas or photo opportunities, etc. in East Providence, email mrego@eastbaymediagroup.com.