Jeremy Allen

Little Compton

Political platform statement

Why I am running for this office: After over twenty years running a gardening business, I am passionate about protecting Little Compton’s fragile clay soil. I have seen both the positive and negative consequences which result from the different uses of town land, and I am running to ensure that every effort is made to preserve our unique landscape. I currently serve on the Little Compton Tree Committee and on the Oasis committee, which maintains an all-native garden in the courtyard of Wilbur-McMahon School. As Town Council Member, I will be committed to protecting the farms and fields of Little Compton.

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Mike Rego has worked at East Bay Newspapers since 2001, helping the company launch The Westport Shorelines. He soon after became a Sports Editor, spending the next 10-plus years in that role before taking over as editor of The East Providence Post in February of 2012. To contact Mike about The Post or to submit information, suggest story ideas or photo opportunities, etc. in East Providence, email