Westport Police: ’Mechanic’ sold, didn’t fix, customer’s truck

Westport man accused of scamming victims via Facebook

Posted 9/29/19

Rather than fix a local man’s pickup truck, Westport Police say he an unlicensed Westport mechanic sold it and then concocted a story about a mysterious tow truck driver.On September 7, police were …

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Westport Police: ’Mechanic’ sold, didn’t fix, customer’s truck

Westport man accused of scamming victims via Facebook


Rather than fix a local man’s pickup truck, Westport Police say he an unlicensed Westport mechanic sold it and then concocted a story about a mysterious tow truck driver.

On September 7, police were asked to meet with the victim of a stolen motor vehicle at the Westport Police Sub Station located at 596 State Road.

The victim, an active Navy service member, said he had brought his truck, a red Dodge Dakota, to 28-year-old Cory Medeiros of Westport for repair, said Westport Detective Sergeant Chris Dunn. The victim said he had contacted Mr. Medeiros through Facebook which police say Mr. Medeiros had used to solicit customers while operating his unlicensed business out of his residence.

When the vehicle was delivered to Mr. Medeiros, it was in need of several repairs, and Mr. Medeiros was provided money for those repairs. A few weeks later, Mr. Medeiros contacted the victim and requested more money for additional repairs. In total, over $300 was provided to Mr. Medeiros for parts and labor.

After a short while, the victim reached out to Mr. Medeiros to inquire about the status of the vehicle. Mr. Medeiros replied that a man in a white tow truck arrived at his residence to retrieve the vehicle on behalf of the victim. Mr. Medeiros said he allowed the tow operator to take the vehicle.

Mr. Medeiros told Westport Detective Jeff Majewski the same story. He also said he had completed all the work on the truck, and the tow truck operator provided him with the owner’s name which is why he gave him the keys. The vehicle was then entered as stolen due to the fact the owner had not authorized anyone to pick up the vehicle.

Surveillance video from the area provided Detective Majewski with evidence of a white tow truck towing the red pickup awaya. A tip led the detective to the tow company which had removed the truck.

While speaking with the owner of the tow company, who police say was completely cooperative, Detective Majewski discovered that he, too, had fallen victim to Mr. Medeiros having been sold the truck as a parts vehicle by Mr. Medeiros for $300. He said he contacted Mr. Medeiros who had listed the truck for sale on Facebook. He said that when he arrived at Mr. Medeiros’ residence on September 5, Mr. Medeiros drove the pickup off the property and to the tow truck, the handed him the keys.

The owner of the tow company showed Detective Majewski the red Dodge Dakota which was in the tow yard. The truck was towed to a secure facility where the rightful owner was able to retrieve it.

On September 24, after completing his investigation, Detective Majewski went back to speak to Mr. Medeiros.. During this conversation, Mr. Medeiros confessed to having sold the stolen vehicle after scamming the owner out of money he was paid to fix the vehicle. During the investigation, Sgt. Dunn said it was discovered that Mr. Medeiros had never completed any of the repairs on the vehicle.

Mr. Medeiros was arrested for larceny of a motor vehicle, larceny under $1,200 by false pretense (two counts) and misleading a police investigation. The first charge of larceny under $1,200 by false pretense was due to Mr. Medeiros claiming to have completed tasks associated with repairs to the pickup truck. The second charge of larceny under $1,200 by false pretense was due to Mr. Medeiros selling the truck to the tow company after claiming he was the lawful owner of the vehicle.

The Westport Police Department is looking to identify any additional victims who may have contacted Mr. Medeiros through his unlicensed repair business. Money paid for repairs may not have been completed, and vehicles may not be mechanically sound. Contact the Westport Police at (508) 636-1122.

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Mike Rego has worked at East Bay Newspapers since 2001, helping the company launch The Westport Shorelines. He soon after became a Sports Editor, spending the next 10-plus years in that role before taking over as editor of The East Providence Post in February of 2012. To contact Mike about The Post or to submit information, suggest story ideas or photo opportunities, etc. in East Providence, email mrego@eastbaymediagroup.com.