No Fluke

Trout fishing is the ticket this month


Rhode Island lakes, ponds, rivers, and streams designated as trout-stocked waters are currently closed for fishing. However, the season opens Saturday, April 8, and runs through Feb. 29, 2024.  More to come next week on Opening Day in Rhode Island. 

For licenses and trout/salmon waterway stocking information in Rhode Island visit, and in Massachusetts .

Trout fishing dates are different in Massachusetts. Fishing opened at most Southeastern Massachusetts lakes and ponds on Jan. 1. And this week, the Division of Fish and Wildlife stocked additional ponds. So, the fishing is very good at all stocked ponds. 

To fish for trout in Massachusetts you need a license. For license information, regulations and up to date trout stocking reports visit:

Anglers donate $21,000

The West Bay Anglers, a fishing club in Warwick, contributed $7,000 to each of three Rhode Island non-profit organizations, including Veteran Angler Charters of Bristol with other locations coastwide, Impossible Dream of Warwick and the Dare to Dream Ranch in Foster, R.I.   

Pam Tameo, lobster raffle chairperson and past president of the West Bay Anglers said, “We raised $21,000 this year, the second highest amount ever, thanks to the 100 percent commitment from our volunteers to run the Meat & Lobster Raffles and the hundreds of donors who contribute each week.”

For eighteen Saturdays the West Bay Anglers raffled off tables of meat, lobster and other food items, consumer electronics, fishing gear and a host of other items. Each Saturday event would last more than two hours. 

Tameo said, “It was great to see the expression on the faces of the executive directors of the three charities once they learned the amount of donations.”

Capt. Randy Bagwell of River Rebel Charters, Bristol, who takes wounded veterans fishing on his charter boat on behalf of Veteran Anglers Charters, said, “This is the tenth year we received a major donation from the West Bay Anglers. They are committed to veterans in many ways, and we thank them for helping us to take members of the military fishing.”

Capt. Kathy Granfield, a member of the Veteran Angler Charters Board, said, “The organization offers free, small-group charter fishing trips to injured and recovering veterans. Our mission is to provide veterans with recreational rehabilitation and therapeutic support.”

The second charity receiving a $7,000 donation was imPOSSIBLE Dream of Warwick. Executive Director Diane Penza co-founded the organization 40 years ago with her father, John Florio.  The imPOSSIBLE DREAM Playground was Rhode Island’s first integrated playground, offering an environment that is play friendly for children of all physical abilities in a clean and safe environment.

The third charity to receive $7,000 was Dare to Dream Ranch. “This is the third year they received an award,” said Tameo. The organization, represented by executive director Karen Dalton at the event,  offers alternative therapy programs for service members, veterans and their families.

Fisheries Council meets to consider regulations

The Rhode Island Marine Fisheries Council will meet to consider 2023 recreational and many commercial regulations at an in-person and online hybrid meeting at 6 p.m. on Monday, April 3, at the URI Graduate School of Oceanography Bay Campus, Coreless Auditorium, 215 South Ferry Road, Narragansett.

The Council makes fishing regulation recommendations to DEM, with Terrance Gray, DEM director, generally approving 95 percent of the council’s regulation recommendations.

Issues before the council on April 3 that impact recreational anglers include regulations for black sea bass and scup, as well as commercial Atlantic menhaden measures in the Bay. The Rhode Island special management area in the Bay has been a model for such national programs. The program includes weekly (sometimes daily) aerial stock assessments to determine whether the Bay is open or closed to commercial fishing.

There are a number of commercial fishing industry proposals being considered at the Council meeting that would in effect dismantle the program to allow more Atlantic menhaden to be taken in the bay.

For years anglers have advocated for eco-system-based management for the species to provide enough bio bass in the bay, not only to sustain the fishery but to serve the ecological needs of fish and birds, such as striped bass, bluefish, whales, osprey, etc.

The meeting can be joined in person or by Zoom at . Meeting ID: 838 0532 6029. Passcode: 282613. Dial-in 1-929-205-6099

For agenda details with support documents on the meeting, visit .

Where’s the bite?

Freshwater: Connor Swartz of Red Top Sporting Goods, Buzzards Bay, said, “Freshwater fishing is picking up at ponds that have been stocked with trout.  Long Pond in Plymouth is producing well for anglers.”

Tom Giddings of the Tackle Box, Warwick, said, “Fishing in Warwick Pond and Gorton Pond is spotty, but they are producing largemouth bass for customers.  he white perch bite has been very good. Everyone is getting ready for Opening Day. We are fully stocked and will open Friday, April 7, at 5 a.m. and stay open all night until Saturday, April 8, at 7 p.m.”

For licenses and trout/salmon waterway stocking information in Rhode Island visit, and in Massachusetts .

Stripers, herring, pogies

“Striped bass holdovers are being caught in the upper Providence River. We have also received reports of herring starting to appear in our waterways early, as it is warm. The bass season this year should be strong and early,” said Tom Giddings of the Tackle Box.

John Littlefield of Archie’s Bait & Tackle of Riverside, R.I., said, “Anglers fishing the upper Seekonk River in downtown Pawtucket this weekend found the river loaded with 3- to 5-inch pogies (Atlantic menhaden). They were fishing for school bass but couldn’t make a cast without snagging a pogie. These fish wintered here and once they are joined with new arrivals, the upper bay and rivers should be loaded with Atlantic menhaden and striped bass.”

Dave Monti holds a captain’s master license and charter fishing license. He serves on a variety of boards and commissions and has a consulting business focusing on clean oceans, habitat preservation, conservation, renewable energy, and fisheries related issues and clients. Forward fishing news and photos to or visit

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Mike Rego has worked at East Bay Newspapers since 2001, helping the company launch The Westport Shorelines. He soon after became a Sports Editor, spending the next 10-plus years in that role before taking over as editor of The East Providence Post in February of 2012. To contact Mike about The Post or to submit information, suggest story ideas or photo opportunities, etc. in East Providence, email