Barrington Town Council Question of the Week

Would Barrington Council candidates change anything about how current Council operates?

Posted 10/10/24

Question: Is there anything you would change about how the Town Council sets its agendas, conducts its meetings, interacts with the public or makes its decisions?

Brian Hughes (I) …

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Barrington Town Council Question of the Week

Would Barrington Council candidates change anything about how current Council operates?


Question: Is there anything you would change about how the Town Council sets its agendas, conducts its meetings, interacts with the public or makes its decisions?

Brian Hughes (I) — “Open meeting laws, while ensuring transparency, often inhibit natural discussion within Town Councils. Fear of violating these laws can prevent informal exchanges and spontaneous problem-solving, restricting the free flow of ideas. Agendas set in advance further limit flexibility, making meetings more rigid and less dynamic for decision-making.”

Bryan Hoffman (I) — “Yes, I absolutely think we need to find a way to consolidate these meetings so they aren’t lasting until 11 pm or later.  This may come through starting the meetings earlier and/or finding a way to put a time limit on how long you can spend on each topic.”

Jordan Jancosek (D) — “I want to make participation in our local government more accessible – right now, that’s difficult for a lot of our community. I would advocate for setting less packed agendas when possible, and saving big discussion/time-consuming agenda items for special meetings when applicable.”

Kerry O’Neill (D) — “Town Council and town management are doing well interacting with the public via the town website,, the Town of Barrington Newsletter, and live streamed council meetings. I would like to build on these efforts and find additional ways to communicate town initiatives and programs to town residents.”

Liana Cassar (D) — “There’s an opportunity to increase public engagement in the Town Council process. Few Barrington residents attend Council meetings or are involved in Town matters until issues escalate. Residents often miss critical decisions. Through improved communications and increased community outreach we have a chance to bring more community voices into the work of the Town.”

Derick Daley (I) — “I will urge the Town Council to better utilize the recommendations of our committees. Recent resignations suggest the council isn’t acting on their input. With so many knowledgeable and dedicated volunteers, we should rely less on consultants and focus more on listening to our residents.”

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A lifelong Portsmouth resident, Jim graduated from Portsmouth High School in 1982 and earned a journalism degree from the University of Rhode Island in 1986. He's worked two different stints at East Bay Newspapers, for a total of 18 years with the company so far. When not running all over town bringing you the news from Portsmouth, Jim listens to lots and lots and lots of music, watches obscure silent films from the '20s and usually has three books going at once. He also loves to cook crazy New Orleans dishes for his wife of 25 years, Michelle, and their two sons, Jake and Max.