48 results total, viewing 1 - 25
To the editor: In a few weeks I will fill bubbles. First bubble on the list will be for president and vice-president. Six candidates are running for president/vice president in Rhode Island … more
To the editor: Well, one thing Will Newman and I agree on is to be careful what you wish for (Letter: 'Careful what you wish for,' The Post, May 2, 2024 edition). Several weeks ago he wrote an … more
To the editor:I would like to take a moment to thank all the Ward 4 residents who joined myself, Mayor DaSilva and Council President Rodericks in discussing projects happening in Riverside and … more
To the editor: Last week’s Post (March 2, 2023 edition) featured an article about Mayor DaSilva’s proposed community center, accompanied by an architectural rendering of this 61,000-sf … more
To the editor: David O’Connell (letters, "Many residents oppose proposed Assembly abortion bill," The Post, March 2, edition) seems to be lumping in all those who have had abortions with … more
To the editor: Vice President Kamala Harris recently excoriated Russia for committing crimes against humanity by their bombing and killing innocent civilians in Ukraine. Her statement is absolutely … more
To the editor: Good luck to the newly appointed Human Resources Director Dr. Robert Perry for the City of East Providence. His resume and past experience certainly is impressive and a good … more
First time I taught a class, it was shortly after mid-century, at the corner of James Street and Taunton Avenue, high up a steep stairway. And it was a French class. I had studied, at Harvard, under … more
I have finally, at long last, figured out how to travel...from Providence to East Providence. My lifelong habit was to cross a little red bridge and voila! There I was, decade after … more
To the editor: Why do residents and visitors using Forbes St. to enter the East Shore Expressway and go westerly have to travel into Barrington miles away to turn around? One, poor engineering, two, … more
To the editor: There has been much speculation on what concessions were made by Rep. Kevin McCarthy to the holdouts preventing his becoming house speaker. Based on the strong moral fortitude and … more
To the editor: Red light cameras, speed zone cameras…Why doesn’t the city just put cameras throughout the whole city? They just keep adding more and more. Do they really have to on nine … more
To the editor: January brings the official end of the contract with Superintendent Emeritus Kathryn Crowley, who has served our city and our school department well for 6 years. I believe all of … more
To the editor: In October 2022, we hosted a book drive, collecting new books to benefit the members of the Boys and Girls Club of East Providence. Thanks to the incredible generosity of family, … more
To the editor: News Item…Gov. Greg Abbott sends bus loads of migrants to V.P.’s home during record cold snap… Would someone please attempt to explain to me why sending … more
The end of an era…I have to close the door to my office/salon for the final farewell to a record-breaking career. Here's the history of my project and my prospect. My youngest uncle, who … more
On January 3, I will humbly take the oath of office and become Rhode Island’s 13th Secretary of State. That will officially conclude my 32-plus years as an educator, coach and athletic director … more
Following months of debate and collaboration with the Rhode Island Music Education Association (RIMEA) and other RI arts education groups, the Rhode Island Department of Education’s Council on … more
To the editor: The League of Women Voters of RI would like to thank the candidates who participated and citizens who sent in questions for our forums in Bristol, Warren, Barrington and East … more
To the editor: Thomas Paine, the often quoted colonial newsman, once wrote, "If you are afraid to offend, you can't be honest.” Hospitals across the river and the Washington Bridge … more
I ran for a public office..as an independent. And lost. Everybody thinks of victory, like vengeance, as sweet. A car that doesn't work well is called a lemon. If you don't reap a reward, you call … more
We drove east — and south and north? — from East Providence to pay a late autumn visit to the Cape…”Cod," of course. We took over a beach dwelling, like the literary … more
As they did four years ago when asked to support a $189.5 bond for the construction of a new high school, the residents and voters of East Providence once again stepped up to the polls and … more
To the editor: Sarah Smalley wrote a letter to the Post last week in which she spoke disparagingly about the unsuccessful effort by Councilpeople Mourato and Souza to place a bond resolution on … more
To the editor: You may have noticed that so-called “parents’ rights” groups have popped up all over the country in the past year and have created controversies in school … more
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Jim McGaw

A lifelong Portsmouth resident, Jim graduated from Portsmouth High School in 1982 and earned a journalism degree from the University of Rhode Island in 1986. He's worked two different stints at East Bay Newspapers, for a total of 18 years with the company so far. When not running all over town bringing you the news from Portsmouth, Jim listens to lots and lots and lots of music, watches obscure silent films from the '20s and usually has three books going at once. He also loves to cook crazy New Orleans dishes for his wife of 25 years, Michelle, and their two sons, Jake and Max.