For the past few months, we have tried to cover as many angles as possible to the impending decision voters will face on Tuesday, Nov. 7 during the Special Election, where a $200 million school bond will be on the ballot.
We have chronicled the decision to focus on building a new high school, we have examined criticism of the site selection, we have explored how much the proposed bond would cost taxpayers in both Bristol and Warren (you can also check out the district's impact calculator to assess your exact tax impact here), we have toured the building to assess the needs, and asked students why they support a new school.
Most recently, we have conducted an interview with the Superintendent and School Committee Chair to get more insight into how we got here, and what an approval or denial of the bond would mean.
The purpose of this poll is to simply ask you, citizens of Bristol and Warren, if you support or oppose the bond initiative at this time.