State Rep. raises eyebrows with parade march invite

By Ethan Hartley
Posted 6/27/24

An email sent by Rep. Patricia Morgan, seemingly inviting an untold number of people to march with her during the 4th of July Parade, caused a brief flurry of confusion for parade organizers.

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State Rep. raises eyebrows with parade march invite


An email sent on Monday morning by the campaign account for Republican candidate for United States Senate and sitting Rhode Island House of Representatives member Patricia Morgan caused a brief flurry of confusion for parade organizers of Bristol’s 239th Fourth of July Celebration.

“Dear Friends,” begins the email, from, complete with Morgan’s signature at the bottom. “As we celebrate our nation's independence, I am excited to invite you to join me at the Bristol 4th of July Parade. This event holds a special place in our community, and I would be honored to have your support as we march together.” A link to a Google Doc to RSVP for the event was also included, along with times and dates for the parade that contained inaccuracies (listing Monday as parade day).

The email, which was also sent to staff at East Bay Media Group, was curious because the rules and regulations for Bristol’s most celebrated event have specific sections defining how many people can march with any one float (25 maximum), and that only people invited to march are permitted to do so. It is not clear how many people the email was sent to.

“Participation in the Bristol Fourth of July Parade is by INVITATION ONLY,” reads the first rule of the parade regulations. “Any individual, group, vehicle, or float attempting to participate without the permission of the Parade Committee will be ejected by the Parade Chairman. This rule applies to uninvited guests who march or attempt to march in the Parade under the guise of a unit that has permission to march.”

A call to July Fourth Parade Chairman, Ana Barboza-Motta, about the seemingly open invitation was met with surprise.

“I’m not aware of this, and she was not invited to the parade by the committee,” she said.

Barboza-Motta said that Morgan had shown up to the Fourth of July Ball on June 21, speaking with her and indicating she had been invited to join as a marcher in the parade to support a float called “Rhode Island Fishermen Feed Rhode Island”.

She also said that she had to rebuff Morgan after she indicated she intended to hand out flags, another violation of the parade rules.

“We don’t want children running out into the street. We don’t want anyone getting hurt,” she said. “It doesn’t matter what you’re handing out; a flag, candy, pamphlets, anything.”

Barboza-Motta said that Rep. Morgan being invited to march in the parade by the organizers of the float — which submitted a parade float application that was accepted by the committee — was not technically against the rules, so long as she doesn’t march in her capacity as a state representative or as a means of promoting her political campaign for U.S. Senate.

Rather, she was concerned that the email that could have potentially led to many more people showing up to march than would be allowed.
“Are we going to have 100 people show up?” she said. “What’s the deal?”

Who is behind the float?
The float application was submitted by Portsmouth attorney, Mary Ellen Martin. Contacted for more information about the group, Martin said the float was an effort of a sub-group of the “Rhode Island Fishery Center”, which she said advocates for issues important to Rhode Island fishermen, but abruptly ended the interview when asked questions about the email sent by Morgan, and whether or not it seemingly violated any rules of the parade committee.

Morgan clarifies her position
Reached on Tuesday evening, Rep. Morgan (R-Dist. 26, West Warwick, Coventry, Warwick) said that she was indeed invited to march with the float supporting Rhode Island fishermen, and she accepted because she is a staunch advocate for them.

Morgan, who has publicly opposed the push for an increase of offshore wind production in Rhode Island — a position the Phoenix learned was shared by the group responsible for submitting the float — said plainly that there would be no political advocacy of such positions during the parade.

“Rhode Island fishermen are so important to our economy, and to our dinner plates,” she said. “I’m there to support the fishermen.”

Asked about the format of the email and whether or not it could be perceived as an open invitation in violation of the parade’s rules, Morgan said that she was happy to clear up any concerns the committee may have about too many people attending.

“We’re not going to have a thousand people showing up,” she said. “I don’t know why they put it [the email] out like that. We’re aiming to have 15-20 people show up to march with them.”

It should be noted that the email invitation, sent on behalf of her U.S. Senate campaign, made no mention of fishermen, the “Rhode Island Fishery Center” group that officially submitted the float application, or a float. It simply invites people to march with the candidate, and the official signup form was titled “March with Patricia.”

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Mike Rego has worked at East Bay Newspapers since 2001, helping the company launch The Westport Shorelines. He soon after became a Sports Editor, spending the next 10-plus years in that role before taking over as editor of The East Providence Post in February of 2012. To contact Mike about The Post or to submit information, suggest story ideas or photo opportunities, etc. in East Providence, email