The clock in front of the Warren Town Hall is broken, again. It also could use a paint job. I am sure most people riding or walking down Main Street barely notice whether the time is right or not. …
Last week’s Phoenix featured a front-page article highlighting concerns raised by the Bristol Planning Board regarding the chronic flooding in neighborhoods surrounding Mt. Hope High School and …
The thought that creating a new medical school that will, in any kind of timely fashion, stamp out legions of home grown primary care doctors that will stay in state is the highest order of magical thinking.
Coinciding with that effort, a grant application is being prepared to submit to RIDEM for funds to purchase the development rights of the property. This would potentially enable a farmer to purchase and farm the tillable land.
I was taught in my teens that driving is a privilege, not a right. Another week, another driver convicted of DUI that has had numerous prior DUI convictions, many resulting in accidents …