Fishing Report
74 results total, viewing 51 - 74
Tautog (or blackfish) is a great eating fish with a white delicate meat. They are not often sold in fish markets because they are difficult to harvest commercially. They are usually caught by rod and … more
NOAA Fisheries has established recreational fishing measures for Gulf of Maine cod and haddock and Georges Bank cod for the 2023 fishing year. All measures are effective Aug. 14, 2023, through … more
The Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries (DMF) has completed the second phase of a two-year project to develop an evaluation model on the operational costs of on-demand fishing gear technology … more
The Block Island Inshore Fishing Tournament ended Sunday, July 23, with a winning striped bass measuring 48”, caught by team ‘Frayed Knot,’ led by Capt. Richard Lipsitz of North … more
There is still time to register for the Block Island Inshore Fishing Tournament which takes place within the three-mile limit around Block Island. This year the Tournament starts Saturday, July 22, … more
As scientists around the world sound the alarm about record sea surface temperatures, a new experimental NOAA forecast system predicts that half of the global ocean may experience marine heatwave … more
NOAA’s Northeast Fisheries Science Center, Woods Hole, Mass., and the University of Rhode Island (URI) have signed a five-year formal partnership agreement to research how offshore wind energy … more
Scott Travers of Coventry, R.I., has been appointed executive director of the Rhode Island Saltwater Anglers Association (RISAA). He replaces Greg Vespe, who took the helm to bolster the … more
If you are fortunate enough to catch a striped bass in the allowable slot size of 28” to less than 31”, and plan to keep and eat it, here are some tips on how to preserve and cook the … more
  “The Block Island Inshore Fishing Tournament doubled the number of participants with tackle shop partners last year and added a fly fishing shore and boat division,” said … more
Great news for recreational and commercial quahoggers, as 515 acres in Mt. Hope Bay are now open as conditional rather than a prohibited shellfishing area. The area can be fished … more
Currently, the striped bass regulations from last year are still in effect, meaning Rhode Island and Massachusetts anglers can retain one fish between 28” and 35” until the new … more
Last Tuesday, the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission approved a new emergency slot size limit to be implemented this year of 28” to less than 31”, one fish/person/day. Presently … more
Freshwater and saltwater fishing in Massachusetts and Rhode Island are outstanding. Both trout and salmon fishing in stocked ponds is particularly good with an explosive largemouth bass … more
The striped bass fishery on the East Coast is overfished and overfishing is occurring. The fishery experienced a significant increase in harvest in 2022, as the eighth-most abundant year-class on … more
We still have a lot of larger holdover striped bass in the 20- and 30-plus-inch range in the area. These are the fish that decided not to migrate south and ‘hold over’ here for the winter … more
O pening Day of the freshwater fishing season in Rhode Island is at 6 a.m. this Saturday, April 8.   The Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (DEM) has stocked 100 waterways, many … more
Rhode Island lakes, ponds, rivers, and streams designated as trout-stocked waters are currently closed for fishing. However, the season opens Saturday, April 8, and runs through Feb. 29, … more
At press time, the New England Saltwater Fishing Show being held from March 10 to 12 at the Rhode Island Convention Center is already a record breaker, with booth sales revenue the highest it has … more
In the past two months more than 10 large whale standings have occurred in the New York/New Jersey area. Some claim it is the sonar from the offshore wind survey vessels that confuses whales and has … more
It was unusual to have right whales feeding on the surface in Cape Cod Bay last month. They usually appear there in the spring. Warming water, a change in bait and forage fish profiles and other … more
False albacore have grown in stature as a highly targeted recreational sport fish. These speedsters have thrilled shore and boat anglers, and have become a valuable addition to the recreational … more
The Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries is alerting all mariners in Cape Cod Bay about the risk of vessel collision with a large aggregation of North Atlantic right whales recently observed in … more
PROVIDENCE — The Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management and the Rhode Island Marine Trades Association last week issued the following guidance regarding the safe operation of … more
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Jim McGaw

A lifelong Portsmouth resident, Jim graduated from Portsmouth High School in 1982 and earned a journalism degree from the University of Rhode Island in 1986. He's worked two different stints at East Bay Newspapers, for a total of 18 years with the company so far. When not running all over town bringing you the news from Portsmouth, Jim listens to lots and lots and lots of music, watches obscure silent films from the '20s and usually has three books going at once. He also loves to cook crazy New Orleans dishes for his wife of 25 years, Michelle, and their two sons, Jake and Max.