2320 results total, viewing 1 - 25
In researching for Little Compton's upcoming 350th birthday celebration, I have found a few facts that would probably not fit in a column by themselves, but I found them interesting and fun. So here … more
      1. STORY OF THE WEEK: Dec. 11 marks the one-year anniversary of the abrupt emergency closing of the westbound Washington Bridge, a crisis whose full effect will … more
Head outside on a clear winter night in the East Bay and you might just be greeted by the deep, soft hoots of Great Horned Owls advertising their territories and calling to their mates. Listen more … more
On behalf of the Tiverton Historical Society, I would like to thank all those who came to our annual Veterans Day Tribute at the World War I Doughboy monument by the old Stone Bridge - all fifty of … more
Complaining about our government has become the new national pastime. But I write to do the opposite! Like most of us in Tiverton, I was caught in the one-lane delays all summer long along the … more
I would like to submit the following for consideration in the “Letters to the Editor” section published in EastBayRI.  It is very rare that I will reach out to an entity and … more
I felt I couldn’t stay silent after reading “Listen, Rocha and Kinnane: Little Compton voters have spoken.” To accuse two people who needed to step down of back door … more
To the editor: Are you interested in history and archaeology in your community? If you are, then read below on developments that are taking place in Portsmouth! This past summer, students … more
Kudos to the editor who added a note to Meghan Gonzalez’s letter of Dec. 4, 2024.  The note explained that Gonzalez herself resigned from the Little Compton School Committee several months … more
When you read this column it will have been nearly one year since the official closure of one side of the Washington Bridge (December 11, 2023). Its handling has demonstrated everything wrong about … more
In response to the “Letter to the Editor” published on December 4, 2024, by former Vice President of the Little Compton Democratic Town Committee Megan Gonzalez, we feel compelled to … more
A local nonprofit’s request to install a lift for wheelchair-bound boat passengers at the town’s public marina is reasonable on its merits. Like offering transient slips, a pumpout … more
December 15 is the anniversary of our Bill of Rights. On that date in 1791, Virginia’s ratification of Articles I through X of our Constitution incorporated them permanently into our … more
What is happening with town boards and commissions? Are there fewer people volunteering these days or has the town created too many commissions? On Tuesday morning, the Town Clerk’s office … more
The recent Barrington Town Council race exposed a flaw in the state’s election system. Election law states that only a candidate who is trailing in a race can request a recount. Most times that … more
It’s the same old story from Little Compton Republicans, and frankly, it’s a disservice to our town. Once again, we’re seeing behavior that undermines the voices of Little … more
Welcome to Westport Health Notes, a monthly column from the Westport Board of Health (BOH). The goal is to share information with our community about local issues and projects, public health alerts, … more
To the editor: A recent press release regarding the completion of the Aquidneck Avenue, Middletown reconstruction found RIDOT taking a self-awarded victory lap.   Most of us remember … more
To the editor: Warning! Device renders you an unwitting participant in one of the largest uncontrolled experiments ever performed. Highly addictive algorithms can result in an endless … more
To the editor: I write today in support of the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) proposal for Quaker Manor and Quaker Estates heating systems that the new Town Council will consider at … more
To the editor: I am writing to urge Town Council approval of the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) application for improving the heating systems at Quaker Manor and Quaker Estates. The … more
To the editor: Barrington DEI Committee invites you to the Barrington Public Library for our December film screening and discussion of the 2002 documentary film, “Two Towns of … more
To the editor: USA Today on Nov. 14 said the government of Rhode Island will not support the mass deportation of immigrants in the state. There are immigrants in Rhode Island? Why would … more
To the editor: As you drive through County Road in Barrington, you will notice signage all along the Main Street on both sides. These advertising banners district from our lovely town setting, … more
As it makes life better for its residents, Bristol should be wary of making life difficult for its visitors. In recent weeks, the local government has passed two new ordinances aimed at outsiders. … more
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Mike Rego has worked at East Bay Newspapers since 2001, helping the company launch The Westport Shorelines. He soon after became a Sports Editor, spending the next 10-plus years in that role before taking over as editor of The East Providence Post in February of 2012. To contact Mike about The Post or to submit information, suggest story ideas or photo opportunities, etc. in East Providence, email mrego@eastbaymediagroup.com.