To the editor: I would like to respond to the Sept. 26 Portsmouth Times article about a local candidates forum that included myself, David M. Gleason, an incumbent Republican candidate seeking two …
To the editor: The Portsmouth Council’s majority has for some time treated some of the citizens who appear before them with indifference and, to an alarming extent, with outright contempt. …
To the editor: 02871 has numerous great views, throughout our town. I am not a fan of sign pollution. In 2015, RIDOT installed 215 Rhode Works signs. We had 19 in Portsmouth. They are gone! …
To the editor: If you’ve driven by the old Anne Hutchinson school on Bristol Ferry Road recently, you may have noticed all the construction activity. It’s been several years in the …
The thought that creating a new medical school that will, in any kind of timely fashion, stamp out legions of home grown primary care doctors that will stay in state is the highest order of magical thinking.