Second annual Linden Place art sale this weekend

By Christy Nadalin
Posted 5/20/22

The event will feature the work of 26 artists and more than dozen floral arrangements, created by members of the Bristol Garden Club. All the artwork will be for sale.

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Second annual Linden Place art sale this weekend


In only its second year, “Art Blooming at Linden Place” was such a successful celebration of the season last year, organizers were excited to bring it back.

“Ours has a different spin to it,” said artist and volunteer Jane Lavender. “The floral arrangements are not based around the painting.” Rather, artists and floral designers draw their inspiration independently from their chosen space. “It’s fun to see how it all comes together.”

“Most of the floral designers have chosen spaces inside the mansion for their inspiration,” said Linden Place Executive Director Susan Battle. One has chosen the spiral staircase, another the fanlight the second floor.”

The event will feature the work of 26 artists and more than dozen floral arrangements, created by members of the Bristol Garden Club. All the artwork will be for sale.

“The floral designers have loved it because shows are normally structured and restrictive,” added Battle. “We told them to just find a space you like and work your magic.”

“We are thrilled that the members of the Portsmouth Arts Guild are so involved this year, with about six artists,” said Lavender. “Well, we are neighbors and friends,” said artist Gary Graham, a member of the PAG board whose painting will be exhibited adjacent to the carriage house. “We are excited to be involved.”

Art Blooming at Linden Place can be viewed Saturday and Sunday, May 21 and 22, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tickets are $15 Members, $20 Non-members. Wine and cheese will be offered with outdoor seating available, and students from the Community String Project will play on Sunday from noon to 1 p.m. To purchase your ticket, visit Tickets will also be available at the door.

For more information, visit or call 401-253-0390.

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Jim McGaw

A lifelong Portsmouth resident, Jim graduated from Portsmouth High School in 1982 and earned a journalism degree from the University of Rhode Island in 1986. He's worked two different stints at East Bay Newspapers, for a total of 18 years with the company so far. When not running all over town bringing you the news from Portsmouth, Jim listens to lots and lots and lots of music, watches obscure silent films from the '20s and usually has three books going at once. He also loves to cook crazy New Orleans dishes for his wife of 25 years, Michelle, and their two sons, Jake and Max.